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  • Before: Sep 26, 2005
  • Users: Alan Remorse
  • Content: Threads
  • Order by date
  1. Alan Remorse

    My Remorse in "Milking Ep For All Its Worth" Shocker

    so.... two points of business: 1: There is a new Mp3 up on our site, here's the link: Right click and select "save target as..." and You too can jerk along to the soothing sound of the Remorse. 2: Now that i've lost my job, i have...
  2. Alan Remorse

    The Great My Remorse Giveaway

    so.... two points of business: 1: There is a new Mp3 up on our site, here's the link: Right click and select "save target as..." and You too can jerk along to the soothing sound of the Remorse. 2: Now that i've lost my...
  3. Alan Remorse

    Jamie is famous!

    so, upon buying the reissue of "Songs To Fan The Flames Of Discontent," i discovered an ad for Refused merchandise... and i also noticed that the live picture on it looked a little familiar... and standing in front of Refused was none other than Jamie! Looked up my copy of "document" and it...
  4. Alan Remorse

    R Crumb

    just saw an amazing R Crumb exhibition in Cologne at the weekend.. the mans a fuckin legend. Complete nerd granted, but fuckin class.
  5. Alan Remorse

    good news/bad news

    so you may have heard this but hey... bad news: On the might of princes split up, but its not like anyone but the members of My Remorse will care about that.... good news: Drowningman have reformed. good stuff. that is all.
  6. Alan Remorse

    Beckham/Gilette Ad

    has anyone seen this masterpiece of boobery? It's worse than the "arty" Mr Plow ad that Homer gets done.
  7. Alan Remorse


    ehhhh so i'll be in luxemburg next week and in Germany (Cologne) the following week so if you know of any good bands playing nearby... blah blah
  8. Alan Remorse

    The Killers...

    i know they're so horribly horribly fashionable and everyone will hate me but i heard one song and i thought it was really good, sounded like a cross between Robocop Kraus and Joy Division... are all their songs like that or have i just embarrassed myself beyond repair?
  9. Alan Remorse

    daughters are my new favourite band

    so reading reviews of Daughters on amazon, and some guy gave them one star... intrigued, i read the review, which claimed: "Pretentious, noisey, art-crap, from a bunch of spoiled, tattooed drunks (one of whom made out with my 14 y.o. sister the last time they were in town)" i have nothing...
  10. Alan Remorse

    Free My Remorse Mp3

    If you cant wait til saturday for the release of our EP,there's an MP3 on our site get out your tissues emo kids. By the way, be warned. There are handclaps on this song.
  11. Alan Remorse

    My Remorse Mp3

    If you cant wait til saturday for the release of our EP,there's an MP3 on our site get out your tissues emo kids. By the way, be warned: There are handclaps on this song.
  12. Alan Remorse

    DVD question

    a quick question... if i order DVDs from the UK (from for example) will they play on an Irish DVD player? The UK are the same region as us arent they?
  13. Alan Remorse

    Make love to me ricki!

    just watchin ricki lake there,episode entitled "you screamed someone elses name in bed" or something to that effect... brilliant. so anyway, if your partner said someone else's name,would you dump them?
  14. Alan Remorse


    Pi is on this week on Net2. Sweet.
  15. Alan Remorse

    The King

    all threads are SHIT compared to this one
  16. Alan Remorse

    Day Of The Dead

    fuckin A
  17. Alan Remorse

    Oh Dear

    Bill Paxton. In Thunderbirds.
  18. Alan Remorse

    New Icarus Line

    cant fuckin wait to hear it.
  19. Alan Remorse

    Marty Whelan is the new king of Ska!

    anybody see that awful ska band on the eurovision?! they came like 4th!! but the best bit was marty's commentary afterwards... "its very hard not to have your foot tapping when that music comes on... keep an eye out for that ska music, it may just catch on" marty!!!!!
  20. Alan Remorse


    It never fails me! fucking brilliant!!!