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  • Before: Sep 26, 2005
  • Users: Alan Remorse
  • Content: Threads
  • Order by date
  1. Alan Remorse

    Lightning Bolt - the power of salad

    does anyone have this? i came so close to buying this today, it hurt.
  2. Alan Remorse

    white noise

    saw this the other day, its fucking class, or "bleedin rapid" as you dublin scumbags might say. in terms of creepiness its one of the best movies i've seen in a long time. AND it's got michael keaton. what more do you fucking want?!
  3. Alan Remorse

    Mono (Japan)

    anyone into these guys? just outta curiosity. i think they're absolutely amazing.
  4. Alan Remorse

    Guinea Pig Movies

    so whats everyone's favourite installment of these wholesome family movies? i think mine is He Never Dies. pretty funny in places. betcha everyone who replies to this will say Flower of Flesh and Blood.
  5. Alan Remorse


    honestly, where would we be? my power went earlier on for about ten minutes, right in the middle of final destination. almost crapped myself.
  6. Alan Remorse

    Buying albums

    was wondering, how many of you still buy albums regularly as opposed to downloading or burning them off someone? up until a couple of months ago i used to buy 3/4 a week, but most of them i would only listen to a couple of times.. now i generally just buy albums by bands i already like...
  7. Alan Remorse

    Dog Soldiers is on

    just so you know .|..|
  8. Alan Remorse

    Best Acoustic Record Ever...?

    its gotta be "ghost of tom joad" or "nebraska" by Bruce Springsteen. you have to wonder why 99% of singer/songwriters even bother trying when Bruce has done it all 100 times better than they ever could. in fact, 99% of singer songwriters are complete shite. especially compared to bruce.
  9. Alan Remorse

    Question For Takashi Miike Fans

    so, i bought the Dead Or Alive trilogy box set a few weeks ago... had never seen the sequels before, but had seen the original, and had loved it the first time i saw it however on a second viewing i found the first DOA pretty slow and uninvolving... and so didnt bother watching the...
  10. Alan Remorse

    Evil Dead Remake

    so, the buzz on this monstrosity... Raimi is not directing. Bruce only has a two minute cameo. Justin Theroux (who played the director in Mulholland Drive) is rumoured to be playing Ash. good actor, but no bruce. and worst of all.... are you ready for...
  11. Alan Remorse

    Best song title ever

    so the best song title youve ever heard? gotta be "i dont lift weights to impress the bitches, i do it to knock a sucka's teeth out" by the great redneck hope. NO ANAL CUNT TITLES IN THIS THREAD.
  12. Alan Remorse

    Best of 2004...?

    hmmm... boredom strikes.. best record: Dead sinking story by Envy best movie: Bubba Ho-Tep Best gig: Shellac and Tha Bug first pretentious bastard to say "best artist" is in trouble
  13. Alan Remorse

    Ahhh hahaha

    just saw that ad for chanel with nicole kidman... gold!
  14. Alan Remorse

    Blood Brothers - Crimes

  15. Alan Remorse

    Christmas Is Coming Thread

    i love christmas!! ;) i dont care that its weeks away. im gonna make an effort to ensure that this is the most christmassy christmas ever. might even go to church....
  16. Alan Remorse

    Glory Days Of WWF & Hulk Hogan... Nostalgia Warning...

    was thinking today about the hysteria that used to surround Wrestlemania and Summer Slam for me when i was a kid... i mean, there was a good 4 years of my childhood when i lived and breathed WWF (fuck WCW). it occured to me that i've never in my life felt the same excitement as the time when...
  17. Alan Remorse

    Best Pantera Record

    basically, Great Souhern Trendkill is untouchable. Although, Far Beyond Driven is a hot contender. this thread will have no mention of the crap hair metal days. for those of you who didnt like pantera, not only are you not "true," you are also seriously gay.
  18. Alan Remorse

    Today Is Going To Be A Good Day

    So i found a lime green Public Enemy headband in my wardrobe this morning. I have a good feeling about today.
  19. Alan Remorse

    My Remorse in evening echo...

    not worth starting a thread for, but hey. my remorse are in the evening echo today, in the Downtown section. there's even a picture to serve all your tugging needs.
  20. Alan Remorse

    Cork Film Festival

    so i'm going to see Oldboy, Chaos, Coffee And Cigarettes, The Eye 2, Hero, and Room To Let. Any other good ones i'm missing out on?