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  • Before: Sep 26, 2005
  • Users: Alan Remorse
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Alan Remorse

    Mr Majestyk is on BBC tonight

    hahaha yeah!!! one of bronson's finer films amazing score as well
  2. Alan Remorse

    Clash Of The Titans

    gotta be my favourite movie about perseus (top five anyway) tg4 is where it's at
  3. Alan Remorse

    Commodore 64

    balls to yer amiga, this is where its at my fave games on this shitebox were Rambo 3 and Platoon. but curse those slow-loading cassettes! curse them i say.
  4. Alan Remorse


    can everybody please boycott this piss in a can? everytime i see those ads it makes me want to shit myself with anger but did anyone see the new issue of nuts magazine? amazing!
  5. Alan Remorse

    FAO David In Dublin

    this isnt overly specific i know, but does anyone know a guy named david who's organising a gig this thursday in Dublin? he rang me earlier but my phone conked out halfway through. if anyone knows him can they tell him we cant play? help...
  6. Alan Remorse

    They Think They Are The Robocop Kraus

    so picked this up in germany. notice they're on Epitaph now. anyone else hear it? it's a mixed bag. Some amazing songs but there's a lot of boring stuff on it too... nothing on Tiger anyway
  7. Alan Remorse

    Rolo Yoghurts

    seriously. sexual like.
  8. Alan Remorse

    Finding out about tours

    does anyone know if there are any websites that just list tour dates of decent bands? as opposed to trawling through all the record label websites like.
  9. Alan Remorse

    Maria Taylor - 11:11

    didnt really expect much when i scrounged this off a friend but it's really growing on me. Just really pleasant listening, nothing too taxing... I prefer the azure ray stuff though
  10. Alan Remorse

    Angels Of Light

    any fans out there? whats your favourite record? its gotta be New Mother for me. Song For My Father kills me everytime i hear it...
  11. Alan Remorse

    Do You Actually Like Where You Live??

    Just wondering whether you folks are actually happy where you are right now. its weird, cos so many of my friends hate Cork and cant wait to get outta here, but i fucking love this town. there's so much here, everytime i walk through the city i see something new. cork people are fucking...
  12. Alan Remorse

    Good sites for punk t-shirts?

    the only one i know of is Interpunk any better ones out there?
  13. Alan Remorse

    New Locust Record

    anybody heard it? is it out yet?
  14. Alan Remorse

    Channel 4's Banned Season

    so channel four are having a banned season at the moment, every night this week, did anyone see the show about banned TV on sunday? it was fucking crap. i was expecting a serious documentary and it was like watching an episode of Eurotrash. Luckily they made up for it by showing Evil Dead...
  15. Alan Remorse


    who here has been luxembourg? its the best place ever me and the missus went over for the duke's birthday, amazing 45 minute firework display on the first day we were there. everybody there is really nice and laid back, which is cool. we went onto cologne afterwards and the people there...
  16. Alan Remorse

    TWINS Appreciation Thread

    ok, seeing as im on a roll here... TWINS is undoubtedly the funniest movie ever made, and possibly the best movie of the eighties. I mean, danny devito is a pure legend, and with arnie on top form you cant go wrong. if you dont agree, then you suck. "take out your papers and your trash...
  17. Alan Remorse


    Burns: "Look at that pig. Stuffing his face with donuts on my time! That's right, keep eating...Little do you know you're drawing ever closer to the poison donut! [cackles evilly, then stops abruptly] There is a poison one, isn't there Smithers?" Smithers: ", sir. I discussed this with...
  18. Alan Remorse

    Falling Down Appreciation Thread

    "you wanna see sick, take a walk around this town" just watched this for like the tenth time, and i reckon its probably my favourite film of all time everything about it is perfect, and it also features michael douglas in his only good role the measure of a good movie is that it should...
  19. Alan Remorse

    Writer's Block

    has anyone ever suffered from major writer's Block? i mean the type that keeps you awake at night, and makes you wonder if you'll ever write a song again. i have written two songs in the last 12 months. im starting to lose my mind.
  20. Alan Remorse

    Bubba Ho Tep star Ossie Davis Dies

    Ossie Davis, the arresting, charismatic actor who was one of the leading figures of the African-American acting community alongside his wife, Ruby Dee, was found dead Friday morning in Miami; he was 87. Davis was discovered in his hotel room in Miami Beach, where he was making a film called...