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  • Before: Nov 7, 2009
  • Users: robitusson
  • Order by date
  1. robitusson

    What did you grow up with?

  2. robitusson

    animated gif thread

  3. robitusson

    animated gif thread

  4. robitusson

    animated gif thread

  5. robitusson

    animated gif thread

  6. robitusson

    animated gif thread

  7. robitusson

    fuck you Arts

    Fuckin' right. :mad:
  8. robitusson

    fuck you Arts

    So what? This ain't new. Arts funding is an add-on, after-thought by the gov. and has never been taken really seriously. The money gets wasted half the time on bullshitty projects by people who are in the loop and churning out the kind of approved-of crap that's clogging up galleries and...
  9. robitusson

    Inside Today's KKK is the photographer. Nice and shocking, lots of "edginess", all very marketable.
  10. robitusson

    animated gif thread

  11. robitusson

    animated gif thread

  12. robitusson

    animated gif thread

  13. robitusson

    animated gif thread

  14. robitusson

    animated gif thread

  15. robitusson

    animated gif thread

  16. robitusson

    Circle Jerks tattoos

  17. robitusson

    Black Flag tattoos

  18. robitusson

    The Fightin', Fussin' and Mixed MArtial arts thread..

    Muay Thai is way safer than boxing. The whole body (minus the usual areas) is a target so the head doesn't get the repeated thumping like in boxing. Also the grappling doesn't damage the head as much either. Shorter fights too.
  19. robitusson

    Black Flag tattoos

    A premiership football team?