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  • Before: Jan 10, 2008
  • Users: kavanelli
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  1. kavanelli

    new liverpool thread - everyone loves them,16368,2483_3029405,00.html Is this lad any good?
  2. kavanelli

    new liverpool thread - everyone loves them

    Hector I would agree with you a lot of the players he has bought ar not Liverpool quality but then he bought Babel and will not play him from the start. As a ManYou supporter I was delighted to see the first 11 he up out against us but when Babel came he did more than Kewell or the other lad...
  3. kavanelli

    best of gif

  4. kavanelli

    Jeru the Damaja-still rising

    I saw Jeru play Dublin about 14 years ago(support for Gangstarr) someone behind me threw a pint at him and hit him in the chest. My mate got the blame, Jeru dragged him on stage and the bodygards brought him backstage and threatened to kick the shit out of him(3 big bodyguards and little Guru)...
  5. kavanelli

    Jeru the Damaja-still rising
  6. kavanelli

    new liverpool thread - everyone loves them

    It only takes one shot on target to win, Thanks Teves, Thanks O'Shea
  7. kavanelli

    Manu thread?

    I believe he had that GOD LIKE GENIUS in his pocket on Sunday
  8. kavanelli


    I did too but I want it again, that and Hungry Hungry Hippos (HHH was the game I always wanted but never got:mad:)
  9. kavanelli

    before you pull out your visa card...

    Tell that to anyone who has lost some in a road accident
  10. kavanelli

    Things what you have to drink milk with

  11. kavanelli


    I want it, i want it, I WANT IT
  12. kavanelli

    Tom Hanks Dead

    coke ??
  13. kavanelli


    Sorry bit of a freudian slip there, he thought the Cranberries where the greatest.
  14. kavanelli

    EAST 17 - Tonight

    There nothing without Tony
  15. kavanelli

    EAST 17 - Tonight

    Did he not fall out of the car and drive over his leg
  16. kavanelli


    Was in a taxi in Malaysia last year and the taxi driver was playing Zombie on a loop and telling us how great the song was and that the Zombies where the greatest band ever.
  17. kavanelli

    Springsteen v Kathy French Hot Press

    And what does Kevin Myers do for a living he works for one of the newspaper who had Katy French on pages 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and in the sports supplement. What was the need to compare the death of a person who died in a car crash and another who dies coke related. Two people died. Also he slags...
  18. kavanelli

    Springsteen v Kathy French Hot Press

    What do they have to do with the regulation/conrtol of drugs in Ireland this is an American State department. The IMB is the Irish department that look after this.
  19. kavanelli

    going out song..?

    How did that go again? :)
  20. kavanelli

    Springsteen v Kathy French Hot Press

    Hey kids,