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  • Before: Sep 13, 2006
  • Users: mazzyianne
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  1. mazzyianne

    Who uses the internet?

    Jaysus, what was I thinking... bit slow today me.
  2. mazzyianne

    Who uses the internet?

    No, I cant speak for the person who wrote the article. I dont think progress in the internet has had much impact on access to the internet. Do you think more old people use it now than in 2003? Do you think more poorer people have access? It doesn't matter how you define it, the point is...
  3. mazzyianne

    this auld wan that's up the duff

    I cant believe I just read all this... easy knowing i'm in the middle of exams. Anyway, i think wilbert has just reached the conclusion that I hope Ro would too. You want men to have a say. You feel men should have 'rights'. But, and it's a big But. They should NOT have the final say over...
  4. mazzyianne

    Who uses the internet?

    I was reading for an essay (as usual) and I found this article. I remember a while ago someone, could have been deafmute (?) saying that they assumed that thumped would be a good representative sample of the population with as many working class people as would be proportional and all that...
  5. mazzyianne

    China House closed ...

    I dunno, they have pigs feet on the menu too. Unless it's two ways of saying the same dish to make their menu look longer...
  6. mazzyianne

    China House closed ...

    Nah it's veggie and vegan-licious. Unless your alergic to stuff... The best dishes, in my opinion are the hot and sour slip aubergine, the fried tofu in 'sauce' and the jie lan in garlic. and the chilli tofu is yum too. and the other aubergine dish. I'm hungry now... I'd almost lose my...
  7. mazzyianne

    words you hate the most

    'chum' i think i'm getting the hang of this game.:)
  8. mazzyianne

    9/11 Pentagon video

    There is no such thing as impartial
  9. mazzyianne

    shell apologising shocker

  10. mazzyianne

    Cute Lifestyles

    Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  11. mazzyianne

    US soldiers rap album

  12. mazzyianne

    US soldiers rap album

    sure, whatever you say... :confused: think you've got yer wires crossed bud, might want to read the article again then have a go at guessing why I posted it.
  13. mazzyianne

    veggie wontons

    This seems like a good time to make duncheeknifed put up the recipie for veggie dumplings. They have a yummy gingery crumbly tofu in the middle. What kind of marintate do you use for yer tofu? My favourite at the moment is soya sauce, a bit of veggie oyster sauce, garlic, a dribble of liquid...
  14. mazzyianne

    Next Porco Dio

    !bing i see, makes sense, thanks damo, a load off my mind I'll tell ya.
  15. mazzyianne

    For Israel

    my sig just means I'm equal as fuck.
  16. mazzyianne

    For Israel

    I sighed and gave up. Didn't I mention?
  17. mazzyianne

    What is your favourite

    I hate them all so far, keep em coming....:p
  18. mazzyianne

    Next Porco Dio

    ok this is starting to confuse the hell out of me... Mr Benefit sir, is this you posting in two guises? Organised Ideas and Porco? And someone was posting as anarchist youth... Is that the whole lot of them standing around a 'puter reaching consensus on each word? :confused: How're we supposed...
  19. mazzyianne

    For Israel

    who me?
  20. mazzyianne

    vegetonablearianist BBQ thread

    lots of veggies on skewers dipped in a lovely marinate of some kind. The marinate is the key. soya sauce and lemon and garlic and stuff. yum BBQ season rolling around...:)