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  • Before: Sep 13, 2006
  • Users: mazzyianne
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  1. mazzyianne

    this auld wan that's up the duff

    I suggest you talk to some of these womby women and ask if they would be cool with someone else being LEGALLY ALLOWED to force them to carry a child they didn't want. just to see, out of interest.
  2. mazzyianne

    this auld wan that's up the duff

    edit: fuck it..I'll ignore it...breathe...let it go
  3. mazzyianne

    this auld wan that's up the duff

    You are still avoiding the fact that the woman has to carry and give birth to the child. You cant argue for totally equal say when it comes to something that has such different effects on the two people. No matter how many people were involved equally in making the baby/organism/foetus
  4. mazzyianne

    this auld wan that's up the duff

    Ro, it's really frustrating that you dont see what a huge deal it is, being a woman,to imagine someone, anyone having a say that can overrule yours on whether or not you have to have a baby. I mean we have to carry it and give birth to it. I refer you back to wilberts conclusion a few pages...
  5. mazzyianne

    this auld wan that's up the duff

    Done and done*. Problem solved. *except in winter
  6. mazzyianne

    this auld wan that's up the duff

    so are you, just the other person
  7. mazzyianne

    this auld wan that's up the duff

    I'm not really sure what you're saying here...
  8. mazzyianne

    this auld wan that's up the duff

    Or addressed the fact that giving the right to decide to men takes it away from women, leave us as the ones with no rights. and forced to carry a baby we don't want.
  9. mazzyianne

    this auld man that's up the duff

    Finally, the perfect moment
  10. mazzyianne

    this auld wan that's up the duff

    Everyone was too busy using the 'womb card*'. :D *most hilarious part of thread so far, deserves a prize.
  11. mazzyianne

    this auld wan that's up the duff

    I was thinking about this earlier, and getting into the theory side (sorry:o ) forgot about it, but Imagine... (extending the idea) that you have a one night stand with some guy, the condom breaks. In the morning, you go to get the morning after pill and he goes, no, you cant, I'll look...
  12. mazzyianne

    words you hate the most

    Yup, you're safe the rest of you - watch it... watch it. :p
  13. mazzyianne

    words you hate the most

    Which reminds me, tofu pronounced wrong and repeated as if it is some mystical place.... t-aw-fooooooooo, t-aw-fooooooooooo tuuuuu fuuuuuuuuuuuuuu what is it you do with it? SHUT UP, SHUT THE FUCK UP, I'LL KILL YOU ALL
  14. mazzyianne

    Who uses the internet?

    It's a fuckin interesting read whingebags:p and it's as recent as you're going to find for a study on who uses the internet in Ireland. Please prove me wrong and find a more recent one, I'd be interested Even if the numbers have changed, more people in general are using the internet, I doubt...
  15. mazzyianne

    What's in yer lunchbox

    Stir fried veggies with tofu and rice. yummy. And an apple and orange and a twix.
  16. mazzyianne

    So we ran out of dishwasher powder...

  17. mazzyianne

    this auld wan that's up the duff

    What? I said your argument is influenced by the fact that you are male! How could it not be? :confused: How is that offensive?
  18. mazzyianne

    So we ran out of dishwasher powder...

    And I decided it would be a good idea to just throw in some (lots of) washing up liquid into the little box and switch it on. Bad idea Suds ALL OVER the kitchen floor and all over the inside of the splish splosher. I cleaned up all the suds and stuff... Is it broken it or will it survive? The...
  19. mazzyianne

    this auld wan that's up the duff

    I think sometimes people think stick to this rediculous notion that people have to be 'objective' and sceintific to be correct. No one can remove themselves from their situation in society. No one is objective. I think Jane has every right to feel emotion about this topic. I think it's fairly...