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  • Before: Sep 13, 2006
  • Users: mazzyianne
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  1. mazzyianne

    So we ran out of dishwasher powder...

    Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Zzzzzing :D
  2. mazzyianne

    Derrick Jensen

    Kinda depends what he means by civilisation doesn't it?
  3. mazzyianne

    Derrick Jensen

    I reckon bring him, I think anything that gets a bit of discussion and debate going can't be a bad thing. I'd be really interested to hear it anyways. On a not-really-but-kind-of related note, I was looking at pictures of that weekend in the woods thing on indymedia. it looks like it could be...
  4. mazzyianne

    Derrick Jensen

    I'd say loads of hippies in someplace like leitrim (for example) would be well into it :D:p
  5. mazzyianne

    So we ran out of dishwasher powder...

    haha, not you as well. I dunno, I made the whole thing up. Ripped it off from some British sitcom.:p I'd never be stupid enough to try a stunt like that. actually, haven't used it again since, still out of powder.
  6. mazzyianne

    this auld wan that's up the duff

    rape jokes = not funny
  7. mazzyianne

    this auld wan that's up the duff

    Well, yes actually. I don't agree but that's ok. I need be reading about structural adjustment, not feminism today, so cant get into it more. We should have a whores and liars thread some day though. Debating is freakin deadly, even on the internet. Technology wha'!
  8. mazzyianne

    this auld wan that's up the duff

    Sorry snaky, I was reading through pages catching up and replying was pointless... I'm scared of pete.
  9. mazzyianne

    this auld wan that's up the duff

    This isn't meant to be patronising but reading feminist theory actually does change your outlook on this stuff. Depends on the feminist really but, I thought feminism was a big load of crap all the way through 3 years of sociology (i didn't pay attention or do any reading), one day it was like...
  10. mazzyianne

    Connolly Festival

    I think the dates were changed??? Think it's on friday all day
  11. mazzyianne

    this auld wan that's up the duff

    Ah I've avoided this all morning, it's time to do some work now so I'm back. It seems to me that when jane said to go and read a sociology book it was because some people just dont believe in a dominant ideology. People equating...
  12. mazzyianne


    may I refer you to the abortion thread on this one, think again :p
  13. mazzyianne

    this auld wan that's up the duff

    glen has been fantastic comic relief and no one thanked him Thanks glen My main point wasn't supposed to be that I was being ignored, coz I dont think it was purposely anyways, (except maybe by Ro, and in order to avoid a difficult challange to his view) but that you got kind of attacked for...
  14. mazzyianne

    black fag

    There was a queer punk night in Brisbane (i think) called black fag, the posters made ya look twice.
  15. mazzyianne

    this auld wan that's up the duff

    Ok, something weird is going on here, I can't exactly figure out why, but I'm feeling a little invisible. Not only are my questions not being answered or my points taken into account but That was me what said that. I was also the one who complained about my questions not being answered...
  16. mazzyianne


    Ok, for another odd, but this time in a bad way, book suprise. Bono wrote the intro to a book and I'm considering using it. Well, I'm not sure yet, it will depend how relevent it is to my essay. Even the chapter titles have a bit of a bono ring to them - 'the voiceless dying: africa and...
  17. mazzyianne

    this auld wan that's up the duff

  18. mazzyianne

    words you hate the most

    womb card :D
  19. mazzyianne

    this auld wan that's up the duff

    Ok, my level of pissed-off-ness has reached an all time high, Tom just said exactly the same thing I have said 2 or 3 times and you ignored, Ro. Anyways, he got an answer, I cant work out what it means... Something about what is of import not being who carries the child but who caused the...