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  • Users: Reets
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  1. R

    Dublin Racist Riots

    I heard they were a “rent a crowd” and not locals.
  2. R

    Minor complaints thread

    There's a book series that I was looking forward to starting and I've had them in my "To Be Read" pile for 3 years. The first one has now disappeared and and I'm disproportionately angry about it.
  3. R

    Minor Pleasures

    Needs more bikes.
  4. R

    Happy Birthday, seanc

    Happy Birthday @seanc
  5. R

    People Who Died

    81 years too late. The name King Scum doesnt do him justice.
  6. R

    What television series are you currently making your way through?

    I just finished episode 4 and I’m sorry for what I said seanc. This is a hard watch. I can’t believe he’s reliving it all this way.
  7. R


    *Nevermind, I got confused.
  8. R

    What television series are you currently making your way through?

    I’ve just started Baby Reindeer and maybe it’s the fact that I worked in a bar for so long and had so many weird exchanges but it’s making me uncomfortable. Also I’ve absolutely no basis for this but the guy is what I assume seanc looks like.
  9. R

    Fontaines DC

    Dangerous to fuck?
  10. R

    People Who Died

    I guess Peter Singer is still around, but I’m dubious of him.
  11. R

    People Who Died

    The philosopher (and my personal favourite) Daniel Dennett died. For anyone interested in the topic of free will or consciousness, give his lectures a listen. He’s a very readable philosopher too, which helps.
  12. R

    Your Health Is Your Wealth

    I don’t think I could get away with not being myself here, I know too many people that would call me out on it. There’s people on this forum that showed up for me at my Mams funeral years ago or checked in with me at the time, which is about as real as things get. It’s a massive difference here...
  13. R

    Your Health Is Your Wealth

    You wish
  14. R

    Your Health Is Your Wealth

    @Jill Hives he brought you back a present. Remind me about it on Sunday.
  15. R

    Your Health Is Your Wealth

    I'm pretty sure there was something small wrong and then the antibiotics made it worse. The Doctor didnt check for an infection with the last 4 rounds of them so hard to tell . I'm just going to get a load of probiotic food in to me and a little exercise, and just try to build myself up from...
  16. R

    Your Health Is Your Wealth

    I've now turned in to somone with a dodgy tummy, after years of basically being bullet proof. I was in A&E Friday and Monday with some more tests to go but they've ruled out the really bad stuff so it's grand. I had a look back and I've had 12+ antibiotics in the last 12 months ,so I think...
  17. R


    I saw videos of the masked "protestes" outside Roberic O'Gormans house. Brave men showing up there with their faces covered.
  18. R

    Fontaines DC

    Their guildhall in D2 does a nice lunch.
  19. R

    Minor complaints thread

    Not even say… French butter?
  20. R

    Fontaines DC

    It’s not a million miles away from how my daughter and her friends dress (she wouldn’t wear tracksuit bottoms though), but they’re all in Trinners and gay, if that helps.