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  1. R

    Minor Pleasures

    Huh, I thought Ash.
  2. R

    Minor complaints thread

  3. R

    Minor complaints thread

    I do that all the time. I think it’s from a childhood spent making bit rounds of tea for people.
  4. R

    Minor Pleasures

    That’s brilliant. Seriously, well done!
  5. R

    Your Health Is Your Wealth

  6. R

    Your work situation

    Looks to be dry for the next week.
  7. R

    Notes on the coming AI-pocalypse

    There's a segment about social media and kids on Prime Time tonight and they're discussing AI on The Late Debate too.
  8. R

    Notes on the coming AI-pocalypse

    There's an Oireachtas committee meeting today with X, TikTok and Meta to do with AI and children. It's interesting enough.
  9. R


    There's "Ireland for the Irish" protesters outside the Dail again today and one of them is my next door neighbour. She's a racist bitch at the best of times. I'm guessing theyre there because there's a motion later on "the proposal for Regulations and a Directive of the European Parliament and...
  10. R

    Climate change global warming natural disaster freak weather etc.

    During the fodder crisis about 10 years ago, the suicide rates where we lived went up. It bankrupted some people and was just generally a shit time to be a farmer.
  11. R

    Clothes and haircuts

  12. R

    Your Health Is Your Wealth

    I don’t like this game.
  13. R

    Minor complaints thread

    Not at all…
  14. R

    Minor complaints thread

    Did you get any sleep?
  15. R

    Minor complaints thread

    How are you getting on @seanc ?
  16. R

    Minor complaints thread

    I was in A&E today too but they had me so sorted in 3-4 hours. Well sorted enough, I’m back on Monday for more tests. I definitely don’t envy you staying overnight though, I had earplugs packed just in case.
  17. R

    Brain chemicals

    Your Elvis leg?
  18. R

    Minor Pleasures

    I've manged to stick with going to the gym 3 times this week. This doesnt sound like a lot, but I cant stress enough how intrinsically lazy I am.
  19. R


    Well you would say that...
  20. R


    So drive with the window open?