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  1. Heroic Toby

    Some new Heroic Doses tracks you might like?

    Wicked! Cheers Cormac, just meant I didn't know if it was a venue or you meant frontpage of this website! Will send you new CD when finished, canna wait for tour!
  2. Heroic Toby

    Some new Heroic Doses tracks you might like?

    Is Frontpage a venue Cormac?! Newborn are indeed awesome! The discography was put out by a mate of a mates band in Japan, I will bring a CDR of it to Belfast if you email to remind me before August 18th! My email is [email protected] hope people like the tracks we cannot wait for Ireland...
  3. Heroic Toby

    Some new Heroic Doses tracks you might like?

    Hi there, Heroic Doses have two new tracks up at if you're into Snuff, Face To Face, Naked Raygun, The Freeze etc then you might like it! Let us know what you think and come see us when we're over in August x
  4. Heroic Toby

    August 24th/25th Cork Gigs Going?!

    Ha ha! Cheers! Sorry my geography is shite and I don't drive so Im arse at that sort of thing. To be honest, anything south of Dublin on August 25th would be ideal if anyone knows of any shows on then? I think Jasper is hoping to sort us one on the 24th somewhere (fingers crossed!). But if...
  5. Heroic Toby

    August 24th/25th Cork Gigs Going?!

    Er well apparently! Someone even said we sound like DOA the other day! Tours looking very good now, looks like we'll be heading to Scotland for three dates then over to Northern Ireland for an evening then two nights in Dublin and hopefully one or two more on the 24th and 25th anywhere in...
  6. Heroic Toby

    August 24th/25th Cork Gigs Going?!

    Hello all again! Thanks to some great promoters Heroic Doses now have three Irish dates nearly confirmed. After those dates we will be hanging out with some mates down in Cork on August 24th and 25th so if there are any gigs going on within about a 2 hour drive of Cork (preferbly Cork or south...
  7. Heroic Toby

    August 23rd - Any Gigs That Need Another Band?

    Hi all! Keep the peace! Cheers loads Gav! So far this board have (TBC!) gigs near Manorhamilton on 21st, and Dublin on 22nd and 23rd! We think we're gonna extened the tour now by a day! So if anyone has a show on the 24th within about 3/4 hours from Dublin then we're more than up for it...
  8. Heroic Toby

    August 23rd - Any Gigs That Need Another Band?

    Hi again, Sorry to harrass this board! Basically we (Heroic Doses) look like (thanks to you great people of the board!) we should have shows in Ireland on Aug 21st and 22nd so wondering if there were any shows going on August 23rd and maybe even 24th (hell we can stick around a bit longer!)...
  9. Heroic Toby

    Could we please come and rock the Ireland please?

    Sorry to be a nob and double post but we now have some tracks up at they're quite rough (recorded live at 9 in the morning after a late gig in Brighton!) but should give you an idea - book us please! xxx
  10. Heroic Toby

    Could we please come and rock the Ireland please?

    Shame about the hiatus, how much stuff did you guys put out? I have the split with limp wrist but did you have an album? Yeah other Heroic Doses are very different! Im into that more experimental rock sub pop stuff but we're on a more Naked Raygun/Snuff/Scared Of Chaka tip, well hopefully...
  11. Heroic Toby

    Could we please come and rock the Ireland please?

    Woaaahhhhh! Believe me the Skulls we played with were not a white power band! They're the band on Dr Strange Records who've been going since 1977 from LA! They play nice pop-punk and based on the band would be quite hard to be racist! Also yeah there is another band called Heroic Doses -...
  12. Heroic Toby

    Could we please come and rock the Ireland please?

    Anyone got any ideas/preferences which dates would be better? 15th-17th or 21st-23rd? cheers x
  13. Heroic Toby

    Could we please come and rock the Ireland please?

    Much obliged! Though we'd prefer apples but can negotiate with grapes and lemons - we tow a tough line on fruit!
  14. Heroic Toby

    Could we please come and rock the Ireland please?

    Hi, cheers very much! I promise a top show if we can come play! If the mp3's are being rubbish just email me your address and I can send anyone who wants it a demo tobychelms @ hot mail . com We've got loads of family in Cork, Waterford and Derry despite being scurvy English (!) so we can try...
  15. Heroic Toby

    Could we please come and rock the Ireland please?

    Hi there! I’m writing to see if any of you fantastic people could help me book a short Irish tour for my band! We’re Heroic Doses ( tracks up at From Aug 18th-20th we’re off to Scotland and we’d like to do three Irish dates on one side of...