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  • Users: mackle
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  1. mackle

    Save Toby
  2. mackle

    Going Vegetarian

    I am trying to going vegetarian at the minute. So I was wondering if anyone has any tips for really getting going at it cause everytime I try to do it I always end up eating meat. I dont really wanna restrict my diet to eating carrots and peas everynight so any websites with really good recipies...
  3. mackle

    In reputation points what does the colour grey stand for?

    Somebody docked me rep points and beside them they had the colour grey instead of green or red. what does this mean?
  4. mackle


    Going there in July to Miami and Orlando anyone know anywhere interesting to visit and if there are any good record stores. cheers
  5. mackle

    How do you see who give you rep points?

    Been dying to see who give me them. I could do it once before(or was that a dream). Is it a secret thing????
  6. mackle

    Earth 2

    noticed a lot of people loving sunn o))) here anyone like earth or espically earth 2? i know sunn o))) is moving away fromt hat sound but i think earth done it better than they did
  7. mackle

    ten past seven website?

    anyone have a website for these mad men or know where i can get some mp3s of them? cheers
  8. mackle

    dimebag darrell dead holy shit. i used to be a massive pantera fan a few years back and this is totally unbelieveable and horrible. i hope the bastard who done this rots in hell.
  9. mackle

    papercop protest records

    i just saw downloaded a song from thurston moores protest record site by a band called papercop. is that the same papercop the one from dublin?
  10. mackle

    cool music making software check it out some of the coolest music making software i have used before
  11. mackle

    The Ex and Tom Cora-and the weathermen shrug their shoulders

    got this album in the post this morning and its fuckin amazing. everytime i get a new cd by The Ex my mind is blown. what were they like live here last year?
  12. mackle

    Sunburned Hand of the Man tour

    dec10 Dublin - Conways dec11 Limerick - UCL dec12 Cork just got those dates from their guitarist.
  13. mackle

    Easpa Measa

    just listened to the MP3 on this site and it kicks ass. assuming some of you guys post here do you have a website or any records out?
  14. mackle

    whens the new daemien frost out?

    whens the new daemien frost album out? meant to be out this autumn. havent seen hag on here in ages as well. whens he back home? does anyone have an email address for the guitarist?
  15. mackle

    Q and not U-Power

    fuck this amazing. there best by far. easy the best current band on dischord. the first track makes me so happy
  16. mackle

    Boredoms Seadrum/House of Sun

    anyone else heard this yet. got it the other day from soulseek and am still not sure what to thik of it. seems to be a bit of a vision creation new sun cast off. maybe its a grower but for now i dont think its anywhere near as good as the boredoms can be. i dont even know if its a proper new...
  17. mackle

    Converge you fail me

    i downloaded this album adn holy fuck its amazing. its not on leauge with jane doe like but its got some of converges best songs on it. its even got an acoustic guitar which is totally unexpected. like i said not as good as jane doe but by any other bands standard a masterpiece. one of...
  18. mackle

    Are Sonic Youth Defintley Confirmed For White Stripes

    ok i have asked this a few times on the other thread but i cant get any reply. does anyone actually know if they are 100% confirmed or is it just a rumour cause i dont wanna buy tickets and then find out they arent playing. thanks!.|..| .|..| .|..|