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  • Users: mackle
  • Content: Threads
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  1. mackle

    Happy Birthday Dylan

    Happy Birthday dude! Hope you're enjoying the tour.
  2. mackle

    Police Searching

    The other night my mate was searched on the spot by a police officer who thought he was carrying drugs(he wasnt by the way) So anyway basically we were wondering is it legal for police to search you on the spot?
  3. mackle

    Young Death

    Sorry to be bitching here. I just found someone I knew a few years ago from my old school died. I didnt know him that well but he was really sound and its so upsetting to know that he's dead now. Its just fucking scared me so much that he was only a year older than me and he's gone. You know its...
  4. mackle

    La Quiete

    How much do they rock? Someone bring them back soon. Cant wait for this compilation of all their stuff so far. Apparently it should have some live footage on it. Rock! .|..|
  5. mackle

    santo caserio

    Anyone got any info on them? I know the bassist is in Snowblood. Just downloaded a deadly song by them called "I didnt get the joke till I realised the joke was me". Seriously rocks.
  6. mackle

    The Fall

    OK, I'm late on the train here but whats the best Fall album to get???
  7. mackle

    Sun City Girls

    Playing with devendra banhart here. Should be good. Cant believe theyre playing Ireland. As much as I find them hit n miss on record I would say they'll be great live.
  8. mackle


    This weeks feels like the start of summer. I'm so happy cause this winter felt like an eternity. Bring on the days of sitting on the grass in the park all day. So whats everyone doing this summer? Holidays? I'm going to Florida on the 4th of July for two weeks.
  9. mackle

    If you could be in any band, what would it be?

    Was just thinking about it and realised I wanna be in the Melvins more than any band. They seem to embody everything I love about music./ So who would you wanna be in?
  10. mackle


    Does anyone know if they've anything out other than the Human Tragedy. Looking forward to the new album in Autumn. Apparently its gonna be totally different to the Human Tragedy. Grindcore and cellos. Where they on tour with Easpa lately?
  11. mackle

    Red Ink Contact

    Anyone got an email for them?
  12. mackle

    Help finding Boris Beloney!

    Right, I am really dying to read that zine. Any issue of it would do. So if anyone has a spare copy of it or has it in their distro could I buy it off you. Oh and I'm sure Red Ink has it but I wont be in Dublin till at least late June. So Help!
  13. mackle

    Kid Blunt Pics

    Does anyone have any good Kid Blunt pics that I could use. I need them ASAP. Please! I have already used two that were on their website and need a third.
  14. mackle

    Mortal Kombat

    Dont know if this should go under Lifestyle but whatever! Havent played the playstation in ages put stuck on this game and its deadly as fuck!!!! Old School Beat-em-up all the way. Who else is a fan of it?
  15. mackle

    Sonic Youth-with the chemical brothers *sigh*

    August 19th Marlay Park Why the fuck are Sonic Youth backing up the Chemical Brothers? I am dying to see Sonic Youth but I dont know if its worth seeing them at a gig like this were they'll be dots on the stage and nobody will appreciate them.
  16. mackle

    Stupid stuff that isnt vegetarian

    Could someone post some things other than meat products that arent vegetarian? Things I wouldnt think of.
  17. mackle

    Feeding pedals back into themselves: Is it safe?

    Right heres the thing. Lately I have been having fun by taking myself and feeding them back into themselves on my amp. I am using a Marshall fifteen watt. I use the line out/cd input thing on it as the second input. Now all I wanna know is it gonna blow my amp?
  18. mackle

    Italian Journalist Thought this might be of interest
  19. mackle

    Langdon Beck

    Anyone got a contact for these guys or know where I can pick up one of their eps?
  20. mackle

    Original Dinosaur Jr line up reform

    According to Pitchfork Dinosaur Jr., one of the most legendary indie rock bands of the 80's, are reuniting to play the Fuji Rock Festival in Japan with shows in the UK to follow. The BBC reports that the embattled duo of J. Mascis and Lou Barlow will perform together for the first time in 15...