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  • Users: mackle
  • Content: Threads
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  1. mackle

    Jim O'Rourke has left Sonic Youth

    Its true :( Gutted!
  2. mackle

    Streching Ear Lobe Piercings

    Is it worth it? I'm seriously thinking of doing it but I'm just worried I'll totaly fuck up my ear for the rest of my life. Does it ever properly close if you take them out? Thats probaly my main concern I think. Well that and the pain of streching them out!
  3. mackle

    Next years ATP

    First year I decide I could probaly go and they get a load of shitty people to pick the bands. I mean I like Sleater Kinney and Mudhoney but its hardly gonna be the most exciting line up ever!
  4. mackle

    Help! I got suspended from school by religious cunts!

    Right, on Thursday we had a school mass. Me and my mate decided we didnt wanna be made take communion as we are strongly against religion. So anyway we get put into a postion were we have to go up. So we go up take the communion and discreetly slip it into our pockets. After school we are...
  5. mackle

    Happy Birthday Cormac

    Happy Birthday dude! Hope you have a good one!
  6. mackle

    Mixers for noise music

    Ok so for anyone who plays noise music could you tell me is a mixer worth getting to play about with? Im not totally sure what it does. I'd be using it through a keyboard and guitar. DO you have to have something already recorded to fuck about with or can you fuck sghit up on the spot by playing...
  7. mackle

    The Da Vanci Code

    About half way through this book right now. Has to be the most horrible overrated shit I've ever read. Like the storyline isnt so bad but what the fuck is with the characters. They are so rigid and one sided. Any it seems as though Robert Langdon knows everything. God I hate him Dont know why...
  8. mackle

    Earth-New Album

    Anyone heard the track on Southern Lord from the new Earth album? Its fucking deadly! I was expecting their new stuff to be shite but now I'm excited about the new album. Gonna be so good!
  9. mackle

    Neon Hunk

    Neon Hunk is the deadliest thing I have heard in ages! Got the album in the post this morning. Everyone has to hear them.
  10. mackle

    Hair Cuts

    Stupid topic but anyway, heres the deal. I've not really had a hair cut in about two years or so now and now I am thinking of just getting it all cut off or something. As silly as it sounds I'm actually nervous about doing it. :) So what do you think? Long hair or short hair? I'll...
  11. mackle

    Waiting for exam results

    GCSE results are out tomorrow. I cant sleep even though Im tired. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh I'm so fucking nervous. First major exam results I have ever gotten. God I hate waiting. My post always comes late as well. This is horrible :(:(:(:(:(:(
  12. mackle

    Happy Birthday Eoddy

    Happy Birthday Ed! Hope you have a good one. .|..|.|..|.|..| Not long till mine now as well
  13. mackle


    Anyone know where I can get my hands on some of their records? Havent seen any in record shops or on amazon Cheers
  14. mackle

    Sonic Youth in Dublin- anyone wanna give me somewhere to crash after the gig?

    Ok I feel a bit shitty asking this but is there anyone going to the gig next week that would give me somewhere to crash after it? Imkinda desperate cause I probaly have no way of getting home. The latest train home would be at 8.45 so you see my problem. It would be very much appreciated...
  15. mackle

    Vacant Sound Zine two

    Vacant Sound Zine two Interviews with: The Ex Fugazi Snowblood Serpents Kid Blunt Langdon Beck Has zine and record reviews and some deadly contributions from Jamie Grimes and Kollin. Available from me at [email protected] Costs 1 euro or 80p Cover turned out a bit shit in the...
  16. mackle


    Do any members of DeNovissimus post here? Have they released anything yet?
  17. mackle

    Soy Milk

    Anyone know a tasty brand of this. Not liking the one I have at the minute.
  18. mackle

    This Aint Vegas-August Tour

    Dublin-27th Belfast 28th Anyone know anymore details? Did I imagine it or did someone say Bullet Union were playing around the same time as that? JEALOUS RECORDS ROCKS!
  19. mackle


    Raein=.|..|.|..|.|..|.|..| Really good band. Apparently according to someone on Collective Zine they'll be touring the UK later this year. Does anyone know anything about Irish dates? Thought maybe somebody who put on La Quiete might kno.
  20. mackle

    Contribute to my zine

    Right heres the deal, I have two pages in my zine that are empty and I was gonna write something myself to fill them but I am kinda stuck on what to write about so instead of me just writing some rubbish for them I was wondering would anyone like to contribute something to fill them. So far...