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  • Users: mackle
  • Content: Threads
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  1. mackle

    PSNI shoot man dead Pretty fucked up. Sounds like the police just got trigger happy and shot him when there was no need to. Off course the blame will just be passed around
  2. mackle

    Stray Dog

    I think there might have been a thread about this before but anyway tonight I was out with my friends and this dog followed us for about a mile and a half to my friends house no matter how much we tried to chase it back in the right direction. So anyway we went into his house and stayed there...
  3. mackle

    De Novissimis review in new Terroriser

    Just read this. Got 6 out of ten. Jist of it was basically good band, loads of potential but they need to focus on doing more of the slow parts instead of breaking them up with the fast grind parts.
  4. mackle


    Been thinking about this a lot the last few days and it's really annoying me how stupid it is up here. Kinda been brought on by an incident on Saturday. Basically I was hanging around with my friends from another town who are all protestants. Anyway a friend of theirs who I have talked to loads...
  5. mackle


    Amazingness. Ahhhhhh no drunk is like a buckfast drunk :heart::heart::heart::heart:
  6. mackle


    Everyone post the most grimm photo they can find
  7. mackle

    Contact for Eric Easpa Measa

    Anyone got an email address for him?
  8. mackle

    Records that sound better on the wrong speed

    Was just listening to Bullet Union 7" there accidentally on the wrong speed and it sounded fuckin amazing. Got me thinking, is there any other records that sound better on the wrong speed?
  9. mackle

    Line 6 Dealy pedals smoking

    I got a Line 6 Delay there at Christmas. IT was working fine and then last Saturday I noticed the red light flashing on it to say the battery was dying. So I went and bought another one but the light still was flashing. So I just left it for a while and went back to it on Tuesday not thinking...
  10. mackle

    Vacant Sound Zine 3

    Vacant Sound Zine 3 Interviews with: Funeral Diner Mike Connelly(Wolf Eyes/Hair Police) Cormy (Nuclear Death Terror) Apostles Various other bits and pieces. 32 Pages 1 quid/1 Euro Contact me at [email protected]
  11. mackle

    Happy Birthday Bernard

    Happy Birthday
  12. mackle

    Derek Bailey RIP
  13. mackle

    Mothers Against Noise

    This is great
  14. mackle

    Heroin (The band)

    Worship them Most important hardcore band of the 90s!
  15. mackle

    Earth/Sunn o)))

    Heard they're playing here early next year. Anyone know anything about it?
  16. mackle

    Pretending to be sick

    Nothing better than saying your sick and not having to go to work or school and lying back and relaxing! Anyone else having a lazy day?
  17. mackle


    An adenosine-derived nucleotide, C10H16N5O13P3, that contains high-energy phosphate bonds and is used to transport energy to cells for biochemical processes, including muscle contraction and enzymatic metabolism, through its hydrolysis to ADP. ATP is hydrolyzed to AMP when it is incorporated...
  18. mackle

    Death metal murders

    Black Metal show tomorrow night on BBC 2 Apparently theres some show tomorrow about black metal and its relation to some murders in Italy. Meant to have performances and interviews with Mayhem in it. Its on at 9 I think.
  19. mackle

    RIP Ciaran Mackle

    Only joking!
  20. mackle

    Men in Pink Shirts

    Seriously what the fuck is going on? Whats with all the tough guys and spides wearing pink t-shirts? epidemic or what? Seriously I'm scared! How long before we all catch it? Any men on thumped wearing pink t shirts HANG YOURSELF