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  • Users: mackle
  • Content: Threads
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  1. mackle

    Drainland, Divisions Ruin, Jenny and the Deadites, Putrefaction-DUblin July 26th

    CESSPOOL presents: DRAINLAND Dublin masters (and mistress)of downtuned, sludgy and dischordant hardcore, like a way faster Dystopia being fronted by Linda Blair from the Exorcist. Ex loads of bands. Deadly. DIVISIONS RUIN The best...
  2. mackle


    Why did I ignore them for so long! First four albums killer. Some Kind of Monster = Best movie ever also
  3. mackle

    Led Zeppelin-Best album???

    Found my dads old LPs of their albums so been listening to them quite a bit lately for the first time in a few years. Such a fuckin brilliant band! Whats everyone favourite album? Gonna be Physical Grafiti or Led Zep 4 for me. Though Presence could get it just for Achillies Last Stand!
  4. mackle

    Erode You- Songs online now!

    Just thought I'd post up that we now have songs on our myspace page. Noothgrush/Grief inspired doomy sludge Let us know what you think! The song Erode You I dont like thow but have been overpowered on the issue
  5. mackle

    Recommend me some good heavy bass strings

    Looking to tune to around Drop A or slightly lower. What would be suitable?
  6. mackle

    Jamie Grimes Birthday gig this Thursday Lower Deck

    Been asked to post this by Jamie. Dont think Infinite Shurkines are playing anymore
  7. mackle

    Holiday rights

    Just looking some help her eon something cause I cant find anything suitable anywhere else. Basically my boss has said that if I want to take a holiday between now and November I have to have it booked off by the end of May. Can he really enforce that seeing as something might come up after May...
  8. mackle

    Getting the cold in the spring

    Can fuck right off and die
  9. mackle

    Tesco cookies with melty white chocolate

    Amazing cookies. Had them for the first time there. Just thought I'd share that they are one of the nicest cookie experiences I've had. Definitley whiet chocolate is a nice improvement on dark chocolate. Check them out!
  10. mackle

    Legal Highs Anyone know if any of this kinda stuff is actually ok? Been smoking some salvia lately and it does nothing at all to me. So I am kinda weary about trying other legal drugs. Looking more towards the pyschedelic stuff.
  11. mackle

    Big Black appreciation thread

    Just stuck on Songs About Fucking there. Forgot how fuckin good this was!
  12. mackle

    New Shellac Album

    From Pitchfork
  13. mackle

    Bass through a guitar amp

    Probably a stupid question but will playing my bass through my guitar amp damage the amp at all?
  14. mackle

    Municipal Waste

    Just discovered them for the first time properly tonight. So good! Any recommendations on what album to start with?
  15. mackle

    Varg Vikernes friend assaulted in Dublin – Fractured Skull…

    His alibi when he murdered Euronymous " Wednesday, March 07, 2007 Two men have appeared in court charged in connection with a vicious attack on a Norwegian tourist in Dublin on Sunday night. Christopher Burgess, of Templeview Avenue, Clarehall, Dublin 13, and Leonard Finnegan, of Harolds...
  16. mackle

    Getting shit weed

    Bought about 40 quids worth of weed today. Never got a chance to look at it when I was actually buying it. Come home and found its pretty much crumpled to dust. Almost unsmokeable I reckon. Bad buzz You should be able to go to some fair trading office for buying drugs.....
  17. mackle

    Subway Veggie Pattie

    Is there anything nicer to ever come out of any processed food chain? I dont think so. Everyone appreciate it....
  18. mackle

    Daniel O'Donnell appreciation thread

    What a complete legend the man is. Seriously listening to him talk is the best comedy ever. Been watching this amazing DVD on my lunch in work were he talks about all his videos. Few of us in the staffroom could barely breath it was so brilliant. Some good quotes from it: "Here was me D'OD...
  19. mackle


    Anyone know of any distros that do their stuff? All I can see is the Noothgrush split on Amazon for about 50 sterling
  20. mackle

    Jackson string buzzing

    I recently bought one of these Jackson guitars. Its a great guitar other than the fact that there is a mad buzzing of the low E and the A strings. Originally I thought it was something to do with me tuning it to drop C and not fixing the bridge for this. But even in standard tuning the buzzing...