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  1. тхеодоре кацзынски

    Just Signed up for Twitter

    Wise words from Kanye. Shaneys post won't load, am I missing out?
  2. тхеодоре кацзынски

    Just Signed up for Twitter

    Hmmm, I possibly could work an angle but no, sorry. I should take it to the Dublin bus rage thread.
  3. тхеодоре кацзынски

    Just Signed up for Twitter

    Dublin bus lied to me via twitter this morning, the bastards.
  4. тхеодоре кацзынски

    Just Signed up for Twitter

    This tweet was rather funny though "Re: Dapper Laughs. Astonishing that post-Savile anyone can trot out the "but it's for charity" defence & expect that to answer all questions"
  5. тхеодоре кацзынски

    Just Signed up for Twitter

    Poor Dapper, he just wants to laugh.
  6. тхеодоре кацзынски

    Just Signed up for Twitter

    They probably needed a counter-weight to bonos sanctimonious bullshit but didn't want it going too far the other way. Anyway,when it comes to bono and geldof,ours is not to reason why.
  7. тхеодоре кацзынски

    Just Signed up for Twitter

    Well,that's the ultimate disclaimer I guess.The lady is a law unto herself.
  8. тхеодоре кацзынски

    Just Signed up for Twitter

    She could surely have just rang the two goons and told them to go fuck themselves then left it at that.Raging on the net serves no real purpose.
  9. тхеодоре кацзынски

    Just Signed up for Twitter

    The poor husband. But yeah,your probably right about her rabbiting on,I'll just take it as it is till I get tired of it and stop following her.
  10. тхеодоре кацзынски

    Just Signed up for Twitter

    Didn't she bring the whole thing into the public eye though?And then rather than just leave it at that she whipped herself up into a frenzy about it. Where's her husband anyway?He should be down in killiney beating bono.
  11. тхеодоре кацзынски

    Just Signed up for Twitter

    Well she is a 'mentler'.
  12. тхеодоре кацзынски

    Just Signed up for Twitter

    Good man scutter.
  13. тхеодоре кацзынски

    Just Signed up for Twitter

    All I could find was an account that gave out about cardinal brady a couple of times and then went quiet.
  14. тхеодоре кацзынски

    Just Signed up for Twitter

    Well for once the two goons are right,everyone knows she would do something ridiculous and make a show of us again.Still,Im gonna follow her now,there's bound to be cheap laughs.
  15. тхеодоре кацзынски

    Just Signed up for Twitter

    What's wrong with her now?
  16. тхеодоре кацзынски

    Just Signed up for Twitter

    So what have we learnt?Nialler9 is sounder than I thought,he wishes he was going out with sweetoblivion and Mr O'Carroll is bitter for some reason.Also,Ann post should be a detective.
  17. тхеодоре кацзынски

    Just Signed up for Twitter

    twitter. Music blogger.
  18. тхеодоре кацзынски

    Just Signed up for Twitter

    "lift up your knees and march march march march"
  19. тхеодоре кацзынски

    Just Signed up for Twitter

    Thats all I've been doing.Although dora is playing in the next room.
  20. тхеодоре кацзынски

    Just Signed up for Twitter

    This thread got great.