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  1. Burgerbarbaby

    iFour quiz 2019

  2. Burgerbarbaby

    iFour quiz 2019

    Thank you! The bigfoot one is handy enough, you have to find a way of describing it another way Don't have the bastard ghost baby
  3. Burgerbarbaby

    iFour quiz 2019

    Which ones are you still stuck on?
  4. Burgerbarbaby

    iFour quiz 2019

    Still haven't got the fortune teller. Thought it was shaddap you face 66 so far
  5. Burgerbarbaby

    2018 albums worth a listen.....

    Will listen to that later. GREAT cover
  6. Burgerbarbaby

    New Radiohead

    Fuck him. Pain in the arse.
  7. Burgerbarbaby


    Stupid question / Your theory about the NI referendum - surely that would push the whole thing back dangerously close to the deadline, but it doesn't fix all the other reservations the other MPs have?
  8. Burgerbarbaby


    Aye, I'm getting a bang of confirmation bias of it :) Still think it's reasonably fair tho
  9. Burgerbarbaby


    Fuck no. Ok, she's an unstoppably determined functionary who is doing her job in the face of a lot of opportunistic resistance, more power to her. But beyond that she's a woman entirely without vision leading a country who really could have done with some clarity and honesty over the last two...
  10. Burgerbarbaby


    That's fascinating. Every day, in every way, proving his inadequacy
  11. Burgerbarbaby


    Anyone listen to this? Wilson said we should stop bullying the British
  12. Burgerbarbaby


    Listening to Newstalk this morning for some reason. Sammy Wilson on now, Bertie Ahern coming up shortly. The world's gone mad.
  13. Burgerbarbaby

    Should we do a TV show list as well?

    Me too...most of what I read / listen to / watch is ancient. I'm ok with that, generally. Bojack is really good, great characters, well written and witty, but I find it quite depressing, ultimately. Like a proper downer after a while.
  14. Burgerbarbaby

    Upcoming Gigs of Interest

    Just sprung for tickets to this. They were €66.35 each including all the fees, steeper than I expected. Mezzanine is a good album but I'm going entirely to hear Liz Fraser. I saw her perform with them at the picnic that time, her voice stopped me in my tracks, Kinda can't wait to get baked and...
  15. Burgerbarbaby

    Misophonia Documentary

    Your link isn't showing up for me either. I believe it is, occasionally. Luckily my partner is mostly very tolerant of what is clearly a very stupid condition.
  16. Burgerbarbaby

    Misophonia Documentary

    BBC World Service - Outlook, Fighting Discrimination with a Fairytale This one seems to work...she's interviewed at some point in this programme. Haven't heard it yet though. Apologies @annpost...must have looked a bit mad there, thanks for pointing it out.
  17. Burgerbarbaby

    Misophonia Documentary

    That's mad - can't embed it. It's an article about misophonia obviously, form the BBC website. It's a good un, I thought.
  18. Burgerbarbaby

    Misophonia Documentary

    First person I've ever heard talking about it. Mine's a little different to hers but it's still dreadful from time to time. Thankfully it's not been a problem for a long time. Wish I'd seen this thread five years ago :(
  19. Burgerbarbaby

    Cosy! Only €700! In Sutton!

    When did NCR become a quiet road? Who the fuck are these things supposed to convince? It's the kind of nonsense some lunatic gets paid to write on the side of a packet of crisps, for all the sense it makes. That Adelaide place looks horrendously prettified, like you'd be living in some awful...
  20. Burgerbarbaby

    My child is doing my fucking head in

    Nicely put. It is more or less exactly this thought which is keeping me sane these days :)