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  1. Burgerbarbaby

    The WTF Thread

    Liam Neeson: ‘I’m not a racist’ John Barnes heard an implied apology for the racism in there
  2. Burgerbarbaby

    The WTF Thread

    Yep! I know I come across as madly virtue-signalling in these kinds of discussions, but it's mostly about clarifying and testing what I think. The Young Angry Male defence is a load of bollocks.
  3. Burgerbarbaby

    The WTF Thread

    Well that's certainly true. Using the bluntest verbal and conceptual instruments to hand while speaking into the world's biggest loudhailer is another thing though.
  4. Burgerbarbaby

    The WTF Thread

    Why will I be calling him a Strasserite? I'm arguing that having these nonsensical words broadcast across the western world's front pages - whatever the context or intent - is stretching the boundary of what's acceptable speech in normal discourse. It's a shitty thing to do.
  5. Burgerbarbaby

    The WTF Thread

    I think his entire comment was beyond the pale, his reaction, his decision and his words, all either dangerously mad, or, more probably, lies. The particular bit that's actually problematic is thinking it was acceptable to speak in his thirty-years-ago voice and say what he said...knowingly (?)...
  6. Burgerbarbaby

    The WTF Thread

    That's like that old Jerry Sadowitz joke about Lenny Henry. The audience reacts to his statement like the above, and he says "no wait a minute, wait a minute, he IS a bastard, yeah? ..............and he's black". Whatever the context, there's no way to put those two sentiments together without...
  7. Burgerbarbaby

    What television series are you currently making your way through?

    Evil Genius (the recommendation of a friend). Grim and sad and delusional. Stopped half way through the second episode, whatever thrilling revelation awaits at the end isn't going to make up for the unpleasant journey. The cops are all likeable enough, the "protagonists" are unwell, unhappy and...
  8. Burgerbarbaby

    Repeal The 8th Amendment

    Yes, seems so from the directions in the's just a pretty stunning piece of strategic property rental.
  9. Burgerbarbaby


    There's been a lot of talk on English radio the last couple of days about how the EU always backs down at the last second, so even though they've clearly said they won't reopen negotiations, they totally will. I'm not sure what their precedent for saying this is. Personally, I think it would be...
  10. Burgerbarbaby

    Repeal The 8th Amendment

    This seems to be the place mentioned in the message.
  11. Burgerbarbaby

    Sonic Youth live archives & bric-a-brac sale

    Yep, well remembered. Some Old Nerd info: Dave Donohue was the guy who made the programmes. He went on to front The Floors (Lee Ranaldo and Lydia Lunch are on one of their albums, and John Parrish on another) and write some very successful children's books, among loads of other enterprises...
  12. Burgerbarbaby

    Your work situation

    It's front of house, so blacks if you're behind the bar, there may be a red tie too. It loosens up a bit after that depending on what you're doing, if I remember correctly. I worked in the tech crew there for many years. It was a brilliant place to work. It has changed a lot in the last couple...
  13. Burgerbarbaby

    Things I should have known before now...

    Animal from the Muppets murdered someone and wrote the piano thing from the end of Layla which he ripped off from his former girlfriend Rita Coolidge. Jim Gordon (musician) - Wikipedia
  14. Burgerbarbaby

    Things I should have known before now...

    Stunning. Good work!
  15. Burgerbarbaby


    Brevity is...wit
  16. Burgerbarbaby


    Really interesting. Possible reason why Britain is so against Europe is the structure of their own government? European legislation is funnelled through this flawed British system of representation. All they see of their own governmental agencies is the distant and the unrepresentative. So...
  17. Burgerbarbaby

    Art you like

    Well the opening already happened, but there's another public talk thing coming up: 77 Million Paintings Edit: Got that a bit wrong, it's a workshop, no Eno, and sold out.
  18. Burgerbarbaby

    Art you like

    Everybody dance! Bauhaus hits 100 – in pictures Also: Anyone go to the Eno opening in the RHA?
  19. Burgerbarbaby

    Minor complaints thread

    This feller: He's a couple of years younger than me, so I don't remember much about him. But by all accounts a really nice dude. Lodda good work for charidee etc. Speaking of Ron Wood: my da met him at a neighbour's house one time. Wood wanted to buy a horse from the neighbour. The way my da...