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  • Before: Dec 25, 2011
  • Users: Gambra
  • Order by date
  1. Gambra

    Dana for President 2011

    I really don't know why I bother anymore.
  2. Gambra

    Dana for President 2011

    This is the guy behind it.
  3. Gambra

    Dana for President 2011

    A whole 6 followers on Twitter too.
  4. Gambra

    Dana for President 2011

    So that's what the Meeting People thread needs.
  5. Gambra


    The whole Andy thing was the weakest part of the finale.
  6. Gambra

    Meeting People

    But I hate Saabs.
  7. Gambra

    Drinking in work

    This thread makes me wish code_nina was still around.
  8. Gambra

    Whats your ideal job?

    Has there ever been a famous volcanologist?
  9. Gambra

    Meeting People

    I'll be honest and only visit this thread for the tags and what new "Visitors found this page by searching for" things are there.
  10. Gambra


    Is there any extra copies of this locally or should I just buy it off MRR? Niall?
  11. Gambra

    unsound festival

    Great lineup this year. I went to it in 08 (mostly because I was living about 5 minutes walk from the venues) and it was excellent then. The line up is even stronger again this year so it'd be excellent to go again.
  12. Gambra

    Big announcement coming up on Phantom FM at 4

    The last thing Ireland needs is more music journalists covering the same thing that every other journalist is covering. Still, I can't knock the fact that they're doing this for free. If one decent writer came out of it then I suppose it's worthwhile.
  13. Gambra


    Just watched last nights episode there. Holy shit, that was insanely good. Definitely one of the best first series I've watched in a long while.
  14. Gambra

    Ancient Methods - Fifth Method

    Great band
  15. Gambra

    23/12 Shebeen Chic - RIGHT!!!!THUMPED CHRISTMAS PARTY 2010 STARTS HERE!!!!!!

    Re: RIGHT!!!!THUMPED CHRISTMAS PARTY 2010 STARTS HERE!!!!!! I'll double my tape count to 10 this year
  16. Gambra

    Why am I so underwhelmed by music these days?

    Who are Torch? Torche on the other hand are great.
  17. Gambra

    Why am I so underwhelmed by music these days?

    Bunch of miserable old farts the lot of ye.
  18. Gambra

    ATP curated by Godspeed! You Black Emperor - 3rd - 5th of December 2010

    Has anyone got a spare bed going at this?
  19. Gambra


    Yeah, this is really really great at the moment. Anyone heard if it's going to be taken back on? I'd love a few series of this.
  20. Gambra

    Google street view

    So, that Google Street View is something else isn't it?