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  1. ICUH8N


  2. ICUH8N


    Rufus doing it live at the EP was OK, but it felt kind of weird listening to it in what amounted to a field with a bunch of people getting tearful around me, and he can't hold a note cleanly enough to do it justice. Lenny doesn't have the voice for it, I don't think. Respect though. Haven't...
  3. ICUH8N

    Bored in Work 221

    I thought bunnies were our frens.
  4. ICUH8N

    question about the wire season 2.....

    The Judge = Politapill
  5. ICUH8N

    question about the wire season 2.....

    Oh yeah and councilman Carcetti was one table over from us in the Palace (the Centre of All Things) a few weeks ago.
  6. ICUH8N

    question about the wire season 2.....

    Just watched the Season 4 premiere episode. Amazing. Easily the best TV drama, probably ever. EVAR.
  7. ICUH8N

    Bored in Work 221

  8. ICUH8N

    Bored in Work 221

    Too soon?
  9. ICUH8N

    Anyone ever posed nude?

    I'm wearing a pair of boxer shorts. On my head.
  10. ICUH8N


    Next time, ask for a "short cappucino" (or latte) or a double short if you want the extra shot. Short isn't on the menu, but it's available. It's not advertised because Starbucks don't make much money on it because of the size (about medium-sized)
  11. ICUH8N

    photo challenge? architecture

    Somewhere in West Berlin Holocaust Museum Exhibition at the Biennale No idea where this is Luas station (dunno which one)
  12. ICUH8N

    Day & Night

    Thumped was mentioned in Day & Night? A dubious honour indeed. Why, pray, were you reading the independent? *suspicious
  13. ICUH8N

    Thumped mass suicide.

    This thread is so emo. "Why bother sleeping when all I have are nightmares" &c Corey, brush your asymmetrical fringe out of your eyes, turn off that boy sets fire crap, and go outside. Fuck sake.
  14. ICUH8N

    A Quintessential Monday Morning

    Divil the bit.
  15. ICUH8N

    A Quintessential Monday Morning

    I just woke up. Is Monday over yet?
  16. ICUH8N

    Solpadeine and Art

    Take a couple of those with a hangover and you soon descend into a kind of warm, dark haze. nb: Bellatrix
  17. ICUH8N

    Cheap range finders

    Yeah could well be the Yashica T4 or Electro GSN There's also the Ricoh GR1 and the Contax T3 (the T3 is amazing. 2.8 Zeiss Sonnar, sharpest, most contrasty lens ever, but really hard to get now)
  18. ICUH8N

    it's only 10.53am

    5 as in...58 minutes? That could be a bit of a problem. I'll see you around 6. Mine's a toasted sandwich and a bottle of mixed fruit 'berg.
  19. ICUH8N

    it's only 10.53am

    What time is love pints?
  20. ICUH8N

    Christmas ATP drop-outs

    Re: Christams ATP drop-outs the former.