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  • Before: Feb 17, 2005
  • Users: mc moley
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  1. mc moley

    anyone got a fiddle?

  2. mc moley

    Never thank a Bogul no. 4 & 5 out Monday

    so does anyone know if there are any left? i tried to go in this morning and waited around till 10.30 but there was no sign of the feckers. everytime im in town i miss that place, either too early or two late. moan moan moan
  3. mc moley


    they were savage werent they? i bought 6 of the damn yokes. good party...favorite bit was seeing greg covered in muck coming home...never seen anyone that fucked up drunk hat went off to him!
  4. mc moley


    i have nothing to do with tonight and i wouldnt be a spitefull bastard and do that even if i did.
  5. mc moley


    ok i guess things are changing on a moment to moment basis.....well at least the bus at 7 is good
  6. mc moley


    really? whats the source? the rest of yous shud come down regardless!
  7. mc moley


    nothing to do with you's were only asked last night were ya not? i dunno everyone involved in this is one big puddle of stress right now.....they're all up to 90 as you can imagine...
  8. mc moley

    Never thank a Bogul no. 4 & 5 out Monday

    dont worry this aint a bump just wondering if there are copies of the zines in red ink anymore?? let us know if anybody can so i can head up and put more in etcetcetrc
  9. mc moley

    anyone got a fiddle?

    wow thanks for all the help lads and lassies! cormy you lucky fucker im gonna rape you for that banjo when you come back! erin has a savage old banjo and i want one big time. as for the fiddle i checked ebay and can get one from the states for around $40. i can get it sent to my cousins and...
  10. mc moley


    i dont think so weeler, i think they ran outta time apparently... and also i think the bus might leave at 6 and not 4 now.....i think they said it'd be better for 4 but a mixture of the fact that andy cant change them plus the fact that they fucked up loads i thinnk the lads said bus at...
  11. mc moley

    crust band...

    have this band been sorted out with all the dates for their tour? let us know cuz originally then wanted to play kilcoole or dub and i know they're playing dub but if they have a day with no gig i think b.y.c. wants to do a gig perhaps
  12. mc moley

    anyone got a fiddle?

    well anybody got one lyin around they dont use anymore? i'd like to buy it off ya!
  13. mc moley

    Blast vs DIY

    it used to just be treasure island gigs when i went and they were good in a way cuz they were the only thing you could play if your band was shit and you were 13. there or aidan walsh. so in a way they got a lotta kids playing music. however i would hope most of them grew those gigs and moved...
  14. mc moley


    you should have more faith in me eddy.....
  15. mc moley

    blah blah blah

    can you believe i got punk points taken off me for not knowin who this was in the first place i demand justice
  16. mc moley

    Blast vs DIY

    me but im not realy punker than punk now am i? also ian (ha ha exposed) and houlie(is that how you spell it?)
  17. mc moley


    sorry ed i usualy keep a gag in her mouth and chain her to the radiator anytime i leave the gaff....claire must have let her out! i thought i was safe leaving the key up high so she couldnt get it and rescue erin, but alas i was wrong. feminism has foiled me and the mot has spoken.
  18. mc moley

    blah blah blah

    is this travis? from seattle?
  19. mc moley

    Best Bus Story Ever

    us hardcore legends langdon beck were coming back from a gig once on the 84 and were mad drunk and started buzzin with these other lads....anyway boys will be boys and we ended up drawin willies alll over the bus. there wasnt many people upstairs at all so we got a bit carried away. when we were...
  20. mc moley

    Never thank a Bogul no. 4 & 5 out Monday

    cant imagine why someone would be complainin about the said swimsuit edition and had playboy yokes all over it but it was clearly a joke seeing as there were obviously no pics or anything like that in it. i guess they just have no sense of humour. i know a euro is more than wat it...