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  • Users: rampz
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  1. rampz

    have we ever had a thread about how funny the original producers is?

    well here we are anyway. funniest movie of all time. especially the bit where they come out of the tunnel in central park and bloom is holding a balloon. how i laughed.
  2. rampz

    inexplicable fascination with lindsey lohan.

    i cant get enough of stories about her in the papers and on E!. i just think she's deadly. definitely my fave trashy celebrity. any other fans?
  3. rampz

    statoil danish pastries.

    about time someone recognised how nice these are. i challenge someone to find their equal, even in denmark itself!
  4. rampz

    shrink wrap on cds.

    is really fucking annoying. especially those american style ones with the sticker running across the top side. and fuck you tower for putting already shrink wrapped cds into bags.
  5. rampz

    getting through the summer without watching big brother.

    is it possible? well so far so good in our gaff.
  6. rampz

    wouldnt life be so much easier if................

    you were totally amoral and devoid of emotion and remorse.
  7. rampz

    mc donalds: can i have a career with that?

    has anyone ever worked for them? whats it like pay, conditions etc? do you get to take the good happy meal toys before the customers come in?
  8. rampz

    project runway rollcall of cunts.

    1: santino 2: that bald bloke 3: based on how competative and bitchy they get this week.
  9. rampz

    bit on springwatch just made me gag.

    there was a family of owls in a nest. and one of the older owls started eating his little brother, live on tv!!!. my chilli nearly came back up i tell you.
  10. rampz

    control: that anton corbijn joy division movie.

    seen clips on the culture show last night. looks deadly! cant wait!
  11. rampz

    chaps at traffic lights with squeegies washing windscreens for cash.

    notably at the junction of kylemore rd and the naas rd. i see dublin is slowly becoming rio de janeiro or some such third world capital with these blokes. now if they were doing it for free i wouldnt mind.
  12. rampz

    rocky road mini bites.

    very disappointing. im sure theres some other mini bite connoisseurs out there. you still cant beat the original. the yogurt and cranberry ones are just disgusting.
  13. rampz

    gabriel byrnes muttering nonsense.

    its just unintelligable muttering in a wierd hybrid accent.
  14. rampz

    dust revolution.

    anyone know what he's up to these days? is there still a man on the roof who doesnt need any proof? played in the underground on the same bill as him years ago. i know from talking to various people that he was a bit of an icon.
  15. rampz

    out of date nct disc?

    does anyone know the cops standpoint on this. i couldnt get an appointment til the end of june. will i be sent down if im caught?
  16. rampz

    demolition appears to have started on landsdowne.

    this feels like a relief in that theres no turning back now. im sure its a sad day for the old school rugby fraternity though. memories of whatever.
  17. rampz

    cowan admitting to smoking cannabis.

    i mean really. what a stupid dick. on many levels.
  18. rampz

    phil thompson. the maddest pundit in the business.

    hes mad i tell you. just watching him on sky sports news yesterday. does ha have a reputation of being a bit touched?
  19. rampz

    dublin city centre is a dirty kip. discuss........

    just noticed how manky dublin is today whilst sitting on a manky bus. i guess you forget how manky it is sometimes. litter, drunks, blah blah blah. i really dont know why tourists come here. maybe its to see the irish version of jay and silent bob that i saw on dolier st earlier. conor and...
  20. rampz

    did anyone see that gun club doc in gbs last sunday?

    any good? was dying to see it. is it on dvd?