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  1. Ferox13

    What movie did you watch last night?

    The Pyramid - Cliche riddled, badly acted, by the numbers pseudo found footage horror. I liked this more than I should. Still terrible though. Black Sea - This had an old school feel to me and Jade Law's accent amused me for the duration. Entertaining even if there is nothing new to it.
  2. Ferox13

    What movie did you watch last night?

    I pretty much watch that every Christmas - great film.
  3. Ferox13

    What movie did you watch last night?

    The Mask of Fu Manchu (1932) Good old fashioned pulp thriller starring Boris Karloff as the titular bad guy. Lots of weird torture and sadomasochistic overtones.
  4. Ferox13

    What movie did you watch last night?

    The Big Heat (1953) Top notch film noir, Starring Glen Ford with an appearance from a youg Lee Marvin. Surprisingly nasty for the time too. Directed by Fritz Lang.
  5. Ferox13

    What movie did you watch last night?

    The Guest (2014) The posh english sap from Downton Abbey plays a returning Vet in this thriller from the guy who made You're Next. It's enjoyable enough though cheesey,totally over done, queue chilling music as the anti-hero stares menacingly and the 'reveal' is half explained and half...
  6. Ferox13

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Combining 2 of my favourite things - cannibalism and cage fighting. This is gorey, stupid, troma-like film which reminded me a bit of Blood Diner. Late 60's fly on the wall drama using non-actors which follows a group of delinquent 'skinhead' teenagers. Pretty interesting though the...
  7. Ferox13

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Child of God (2013) This had got pretty terrible reviews but I really enjoyed it. James Franco directs this low budget Southern Gothic tale about a Hill billy corpse fucker who has perfect teeth but poor toilet hygiene. Directed by James Franco and based on a Cormac McCarthy book.
  8. Ferox13

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Jodorowsky's Dune (2013) Excellent documentry about perhaps the greatest movie that was never made. Alejandro Jodorowsky pulled together the talents of HR Giger, Dan O'Bannon, Moebius, David Carradine, Mick Jagger and Salvador Dali but alas a single frame was never shot... The interviews with...
  9. Ferox13

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Rewatched Race with the Devil not so long ago - I was suprised how much I still liked it though the Winnebago didn't quite impress me as much as it did as a kid.
  10. Ferox13

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Cheers - may give that a watch.
  11. Ferox13

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Is this released on disk or is it in theatres?
  12. Ferox13

    What movie did you watch last night?

    nlgbbbblth - What the sexploitation filsm like on that set? I am generally not a fan of the genre but i do enjoy the Brit entries (nudge nudge) from the 70's (like the Confessions/Adventures films), are they similar to those. Night of Fear is pretty brutal considering it was meant to be a TV...
  13. Ferox13

    What movie did you watch last night?

    DIdn't know there were some 'Ozploitation box sets' - what was on them. I seen pretty much all the films mentioned except the sexploitation ones which I hadn't even heard off. Haven't seen Mad Dog Morgan either but have a copy I need to get around with. Loved the story about Wang Yu and Roger...
  14. Ferox13

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Not Quite Hollywood was great...I love Oz exploitation stuff. I had the pleasure of getting to see Brian Trenchard-Smith's Turkey Shoot back in the early 80's in that cinema that used to be on Eden Quay (the Odeon?). There was like 2 other people there.
  15. Ferox13

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Caught the RAID 2 on Thursday - awesome, action packed chopsocky, stab-fu Fest. I enjoyed it more than the first one - even though it ran 150mins I didn't want it to end. Great Film. And I love Batboy and Hammer Girl.
  16. Ferox13

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Starred Up - Fantastic new Brit prison flick.
  17. Ferox13

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Stuart: A Life Backwards (2007) I dunno how this flew under my radar for so long. Fantastic made for TV film about a writer (played by Sherlock Holmes) who comes across a violent, alcoholic homeless man (portrayed wonderfully by Bane) and decides to write his life story. I expected it to be...
  18. Ferox13

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Pretty incoherent mess about a young couple moving to a town of devil worshipers. Not even tons of nudity and Orson Welles can save this one. Look exactly like a TV movie with a bit of flesh thrown in. Directed by MR B.I.G of Food of the Gods fame.
  19. Ferox13

    What movie did you watch last night?

    The Virgin of Nuremberg (1963) Chris Lee, Nazi's, Hooded Maniacs in a spooky castle. More gothic madness by the guy who gave us The Long Hair of Death and Castle of Blood (not quite as good as those 2 but an enjoyable watch all the same).
  20. Ferox13

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Personally I liked Dagon - despite its name it is actually a version of Shadow over Innsmouth. Much like the same directors Re-Animator, its too over the top to be called 'a good adaptation' but its a good fun film. I like the old Dunwich Horror from 1970 but a lot has been changed from the...