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  • Before: Dec 15, 2008
  • Users: Rachel666
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  1. R

    gawd bless the recession!!!!! New shitholes

    even if i was eligible i don't think my landlord would sign it because he's not registered/playing taxes. could someone else in my house say "i am renting out my rented room therefore i am a landlord" and i could get them to sign a rent allowance? thats probably maaaaad complicated.....
  2. R

    New Kidd Blunt Video...

    damos dance is amazing
  3. R


    I got that boxset last christmas. But i think the "signature collection" was being given away free there with the sunday times over the course of a few weeks? Marnie, rope, torn curtain, vertigo and frenzy are all totally amazing! holy shit, i think i'll lock myself away for chrimbo with this...
  4. R

    gawd bless the recession!!!!! New shitholes

    thats ridiculous! how do you prove you are renting and what amount your rent is? why do some landlords not allow rent allowance? how would they even know, if you could get it in cash???
  5. R

    How wanky is having a pen name?

    Brim full of edser on the....45
  6. R

    How wanky is having a pen name?

    do you plan on putting your address in it? cos that'd nearly give it away as well
  7. R

    Hideaway House in State Magazine

    yeh whatever! killeyeknee's still the best in fact we're making a film all about the joys of being posh and glam, its called "pull down your pants". watch this space 09!!!!!!
  8. R


    thats absolutely amazing!
  9. R

    gawd bless the recession!!!!! New shitholes

    can you withdraw rent allowance yourself, or does it go straight into the landlords bank account?
  10. R

    natural family planning

    i'm wearing a chastity belt
  11. R

    natural family planning

    fair play to anyone who said to cop on circa 2006. seriously though what the fuck. where was sex ed, why were some of my 25 year old friends encouraging it why was i such a thick and i'll be at the xmas party to collect my rake of embarrassment pints.
  12. R

    natural family planning

    I want a pint off everyone to drown the EMBARRASSMENT. and yet i was so much cooler back then
  13. R

    attn: fans of Jawbreaker/Cometbus

    Re: attn: fans of Jabreaker/Cometbus dear thorns of life, plz play my gaf
  14. R

    Explain you avatar..

    she looks like a total molester from far away:eek:
  15. R

    Explain you avatar..

    "black hole" by charles burns
  16. R

    Cheap Accom in Belfast

    oh my god
  17. R

    Any decent pubs in the city centre that aren't packed like sardines of a Sat. night?

    Re: Any decent pubs in the city centre that aren't packed like sardines of a Sat. nig where's the best place to knacker drink in town?
  18. R

    Shell to Sea Five A Side Tournament

    amaaaazing. never heard of eirigi till now either.... mental
  19. R

    attn: fans of Jawbreaker/Cometbus

    Re: attn: fans of Jabreaker/Cometbus do you live in a BELL TOWER? ban the mod! love jawbreaker, fuckin HATE cometbus. i have "lanky", he is so overrated. (don't try sway me, ive had this argument ten thousand times) the only good thing about cometbus is the design. why is the content so bad...
  20. R

    A thread about baking tasty treats

    made these today except vegan. turned out deadly. peanut butter bickies forever. dear 2006, thanks jane! also made a no bake biscuit cake for this vegan birthday. haven't tasted it yet, its still setting in the fridge... 250g marg tub of cherries 120g sultanas 300g dark chocolate 120g of...