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  • Before: Dec 15, 2008
  • Users: Rachel666
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  1. R

    Seomra Spraoi fundraiser: Freebooters, Party Weirdo, Worthwhile Experience +more

    i hear ya. its worth going to disney land paris just for the Aerosmith "rock n rollercoaster". people screaming "woaah dude looks like a lady" along to the music while loop the looping it, is the funniest thing ever :p
  2. R

    how great are homemade flapjacks?

    awwww flanagans ones are well nice. flapjacks without butter and with loads of golden syrup are heeeaven. eoddy u shud p0st me 1!!!
  3. R

    playlist time

    old sugababes is way better. their new stuff is muck, it sounds like they're just singing over some ringtones or something. freak like me is a classic Zounds Amebix pg.99 Prince Beastie Boys Baroness Amy Winehouse No Doubt
  4. R


    naaaa a banana makes a smoothie smooth. I love really pretentious smoothie places. My fav is The Happy Pear in Greystones. They generally don't use yoghurt... All their cars run on veg oil and they wear sandles in the winter.