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  1. São Paulo Punk


    Well, even if Punk started out as a reaction against stadium rock, we all know what kind of large open air venues the Sex Pistols have come to play over the last decade or more. But if you're in the mood for some DIY, "intimate" stadium rock, then go to this. it'll be way better than the...
  2. São Paulo Punk

    michael jackson...dead!?!

    I have to say, up until last night I couldn't have given a fuck about old Wacko, but from the moment I heard the news of his death I was hit with a surge of childhood memories: Running out of the room everytime the old man put Thriller on the turntable; Getting dressed up as the King for...
  3. São Paulo Punk

    Can someone in Galway put me up for the night?

    Sorted! Thank you Dan (via Byrnoes and Kenn).
  4. São Paulo Punk

    Can someone in Galway put me up for the night?

    Who in Galway wants to give Owensie a home for the night? I'm working in Gort but the place I was supposed to be staying in fell through at the last minute. Please send me a PM if you can put me up! I'll be very appreciative. I'll bring chips and dips! You name it!
  5. São Paulo Punk

    Dublin all ages space

    Yeah, Kenn just got a job for himself. But what has he done for 'the scene' lately?
  6. São Paulo Punk

    Dublin all ages space

    It's cool. Our kids can get us in. Well done Dylan! And whoever else was involved in getting the funding together.
  7. São Paulo Punk

    Dublin all ages space

    Fucking deadly! The line has been drawn. Seomra Spraoi or Dylan. Late 20s early 30 year old post-reclaim-the-streets politico ravers or The Kids. Where do you stand? :p
  8. São Paulo Punk

    good accordian music

    Luiz Gonzaga-"Let the gee-string fly away" (Deixe a tanga voar) http://
  9. São Paulo Punk

    Realistic Train's Space-Holiday Tour, 2009

    ALL ABOARD!!!!
  10. São Paulo Punk

    Realistic Train's Space-Holiday Tour, 2009

    ALL ABOARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. São Paulo Punk

    Tunguska Euro Tour

  12. São Paulo Punk


    Trinity are doing an MPhil.Soc in Jade Goody-Studies next year, and a higher diploma in Top Trumps. Deadline for applications is June 5th.
  13. São Paulo Punk

    Geoff Berner (Canda) / Jay Baker at Seomra Spraoi

    OH CANDA, OH CANDA....::clef::::clef::::clef::
  14. São Paulo Punk

    Realistic Train's Space-Holiday Tour, 2009

    The Train: (stoner, blues, space, rock) The Hands: (apocalyptic dirgecore)
  15. São Paulo Punk

    Realistic Train's Space-Holiday Tour, 2009

    The Train: (stoner, blues, space, rock) The Hands: (apocalyptic dirgecore)
  16. São Paulo Punk


    Hmmm, nice. But that was then. Are we still mediocre? OR are we arriving at the threshold of becoming a 'Knowledge Economy', whatever that is? Does an 'Orts' degree count as knowledge? Less Saints, more Scholars etc....
  17. São Paulo Punk


    This is great! Especially the crisps and Guinness bit. My arse is in bits at the mo.
  18. São Paulo Punk

    Dublin Zoo protest tomorrow

    its the presidents and rent boyz wot need locking up! Hangings to good for em! And how come the deer are allowed to roam the entire Phoenix park with impunity (except for culling season) while other 'wild' animals like penguins, prarie dogs and zebras are kept banged up all the time? it's...