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  • Before: Aug 22, 2006
  • Users: rampz
  • Content: Threads
  • Order by date
  1. rampz

    drunken sleep walking.

    this was me last night. i nearly pissed in the wardrobe apparently, had to be directed elsewhere. ive pissed in a cutlery drawer in similar stae before.
  2. rampz

    how many people on here have "needs to get out more" as their signiture?

    just wondering. im guessing 11.
  3. rampz

    superquinn sausages

    you just cant beat em! mmmmmmm
  4. rampz

    the art of blowing snot out of your nose whilst playing football.

    inspired by olaf mellberg a few minutes ago. is there a knack to this?
  5. rampz

    egg chasing query.

    does anyone know about getting into leinster home games? celtic league or whatever. can you pay on the door? new season approaching and all that. thought i might go down and check it out.
  6. rampz

    yo brian oak.

    story boss. last night was the greatest night of my life. we reached new heights of lovemaking. when can we do it again?
  7. rampz

    were so gonna get thrashed tomorrow nite

    or are we? discuss. sure its only a friendly. all of a sudden the ireland squad resembles wales or norn irn in depth and quality.
  8. rampz

    teilifis ar an radio ceirnin nua.

    ta se fuckin go h'alainn.
  9. rampz

    bitching and gossiping in the workplace.

    i cant stand it. makes me feel very uncomfortable and paranoid. theres a culture of it where i work. it was particularly prevalent today. booooo. one day i will have a job where none of this kind of shit goes on.
  10. rampz

    solaris on film 4.

    the announcer said this fim was powerful and thought provoking. it provoked me to think stuff like "this is shit"
  11. rampz

    there was a fox on our road.

    he was quite scrawny. and he looked a bit lost.
  12. rampz

    anyone heard paris hiltons new record?

    any good?
  13. rampz

    marks and sparks best single thing they do awards.

    and the winner is.................................................... stone baked bbq chicken pizza. easily their finest creation.
  14. rampz

    dying for a piss

    i think i should probably go to the jacks.
  15. rampz

    boring day. lets kick something off.

  16. rampz

    fallout bouy. dont switch over kids!!!! guilty pleasure thread..

    i gotta tell you. i love the three last singles these guys have put out. anyone else share this opinion or are yis too kool for school?
  17. rampz

    gordon ramsey: genius or cunt??

    i used to like him in ramseys kitchen nighmares or whichever one he helped turn the fortunes of restaurants around. but in the f word, hes totally playing to the crowd with his cuntiness. and the live slaughtering of turkeys in the last series was too much.
  18. rampz

    anyone elses ntl being upgraded?

    ours is. bah no telly.
  19. rampz

    A is for ASBO.

    motherfuckers pull in in front of me in petrol station and wont move to let me out. cue much laughing from them as i sit there patiently waiting for them to leave. drunken scobe fucks.
  20. rampz

    andy van der meyde got his drink spiked!!

    well ive heard it all now.