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  • Before: Aug 22, 2006
  • Users: rampz
  • Content: Threads
  • Order by date
  1. rampz

    you people are cunts

    ok, im drunk but really, you people are a bunch of unfunny cunts. cmon, impress me with your crap jokes you bunch of bearded fuckers.
  2. rampz


    what a player
  3. rampz

    arsenal's best player tonight.

  4. rampz

    player of the year awards.

    pfa and writers. why so predictable. rooney henry blah blah blah. i think they should give it to stelios of bolton. he's been deadly. or pedersen of blackburn. darren bent, michael dawson, the list goes on. i mean we all know frank lampard is good, in fact, hes so good its fucking boring...
  5. rampz

    pete littbarski.

    he's just led sydney to the australian league title and is now keen on the vacant managers job at hearts according to the daily record.
  6. rampz

    most evil footballer ever.

    i give you sinisa mihailovic. here he is at a party. look, he's just spotted arkan coming into the room.
  7. rampz

    duff. whats happened?

    he didnt even make the bench yeaterday. i know hes been out of form recently but is he injured or is he dropped?
  8. rampz

    the juan mclean @ music centre.

    boring question which nobodys interested in. anyone know what the deal is with tickets for the above. i dont see them available online and i havent been into town or is it a pay on the door type scenario? boredom = questions like this. cue tumbleweed.
  9. rampz

    red box redevelopment???

    are they making it bigger? whats the story? i see level 42 are playing in october. does anyone care?
  10. rampz

    the blue aeroplanes @ crawdaddy.

    absolutely amazing. piss poor turnout but hey waht can you do. what a great band.
  11. rampz

    scariest screen monster.

    i think barlow from the original tobe hooper salems lot. this dude still gives me nightmares.
  12. rampz

    vow wow

    fuck the boredoms. someone should book these guys.
  13. rampz


    ok, so i know this hasnt been released yet and i havent seen it but on the basis of the poster this looks amazing. its a docudrama about the an oige hostel in salthill in galway. i stayed there once. it was full of graphic violence and as the disclaimer beside the age rating says "strong...
  14. rampz

    lets here it for.............the research

    "breaking up" is amazing. best record of 2006 so far.
  15. rampz

    jenny agutter appreciation thread.

    sorry for stealing other peoples thunder but i think its time we all appreciated just how amazing she is or was at least. here she is getting all dusty in walkabout.
  16. rampz

    oooh matron.

    anyone see the kenneth williams biopic thing on bbc4. it was very good but very sad. what an apparently miserable life.
  17. rampz

    are concert tickets in this country getting way too expensive?

    ok for example: frank zappa is 60 euros. i think roxy music is nearly 70. does this coincide with its sterling value etc. i could look it up myself im sure but its worht compalining about on here. it just seems that going to see live music is going the same way as the housing market. im still...
  18. rampz

    jose gonzales job appears to be..........

    making acoustic versions of classic indie tunes for ads. weve already had heartbeats. i was shocked to hear his uber boring recreation of such great heights on some ad this morning. dear points of view why oh why...........................................
  19. rampz

    most annoying trademark goal celebration.

    ok, so i guess everyone is going to opt for robbie keanes tumbling bow and arrow combo. i however suggest alan shearers very annoying one hand in the air thing
  20. rampz

    best ringtone ever.

    i was on the 11 earlier and it was full of arab types. anyway, the guy beside me's phone went off and the ringtone is the guy who calls people to prayer from the top of the mosque. amazing.