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  • Before: Aug 22, 2006
  • Users: rampz
  • Content: Threads
  • Order by date
  1. rampz

    mentlers day out.

    we had a lovely day me and the patients. we went to glandalough followed by some crannog thing followed by a recreated famine ship in new ross and a lovely cruise down the river. wexford is lovely. it was like that film with michael keaton.
  2. rampz

    combat 18

    i used to wear combats when i was 18. just thought id share this with y'all. oh yeah and i support a nazi organisation called jean 31.
  3. rampz

    glenda gilsen: what an awful weapon.

    every sunday i pick up a newspaper and there she is in all her demonic weaponness. ugh.
  4. rampz

    designers who use fur.

    theyre all at it, marc jacobs, prada, miu miu, dior etc etc. me and the missus were over in penneys earlier and "atmosphere" are using rat skin.
  5. rampz

    hair dying for men

    can any of you lads recommend any good products for covering up the old grey hairs?
  6. rampz

    calling all self mutilators

    i bet yis were really "cut up" about the death of the guy who invented razor blades. sorry.
  7. rampz

    ramps' 500th post.

    how did this message board ever get on without me? heres to the next 500. is cool.
  8. rampz

    hip hop detective shows #1

    wycliffe: daily itv3 "sir sir, theres been a murder in the village!" "yo yo, refugees in thuh house"
  9. rampz

    intelligent footballers.

    greeame le saux, slaven bilic, pat nevin........ are there any more?
  10. rampz

    peoples opinions are so boring.

    its just an opinion
  11. rampz

    rack off

    do australians actually say this?
  12. rampz

    another predictable thread.

    whats everyones favourite thread? mine is a shiny gold or silver thread. i will probably have drunk this bottle of bleach im looking at by the time anyone responds to this.
  13. rampz

    ugh macaroni cheese.

    my girlfriend is in the process of cooking this for her nephew. smells disgusting. cheese is gross!
  14. rampz

    the departure: whelans this friday.

    for those of you who havent heard this band i recommend you shell out a tenner and go. theyre deadly. kind of 80s retro sound but better than most of the competitors and not at all influenced by gang of 4. support band is the editors, also deadly.
  15. rampz

    i think he's playing a game.

    and so another summer of big brother begins. so this year theres a couple of gay blokes, some feisty women, a bloke who votes tory and a witch. wow channel 4, youve really pushed the boat out this year. ok so despite the criticism, im still going to watch big brother compulsively for the next...
  16. rampz

    my two dads.

    ok, i have a problem. my birth father, he's young, funloving, beard and mullet, snowwashed jeans, you know the type. anyway he wants me to go out with him tonight, chug some beers and pick up chicks. however, my adopted father, slightly more boring, but the man that brought me up and put me...
  17. rampz

    are there any irish goth or goth like bands?

    its just that theres loads of gothic types. all the reminiscing on the "GIGS" thread reminded me of my days in a goth band. we played 2 gigs and split up btw. i was never really a goth dresser or anything although i still love bauhaus.
  18. rampz

    pirate dvds.

    the kind you get in markets and off the back of lorrys. theres a woman at work who gets them and passes them around us all. its stuff thats only just come out etc. the quality is usually really good. she had revenge of the sith today. anyway, where do they come from if theyre not just from some...
  19. rampz

    jerry maguire

    ok lads, is anyone willing to admit that the first time they saw this movie they were moved or uplifted or something. ok, i know its no koyannitsqatsi or whatever but its still poignant. by the way thumped, you had me at hello. the boss rules. watch my rep soar. im drunk btw.
  20. rampz

    chickens balls

    its official, theres only one decent chinese in the christchurch/clanbrassil st/patrick st/dublin 8 area. its called the shang-hai and its on the scr. we got one from one of its rivals tonite and it was horrible as are most of its other rivals but this one was particularly disgusting