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  • Users: HMD
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  1. HMD

    Game of Thrones Season 7

    That was a great episode
  2. HMD

    Game of Thrones Season 7

    Bran has turned into Dr Manhattan
  3. HMD

    Game of Thrones Season 7

    The last twenty minutes felt like Match Of The Day
  4. HMD

    Game of Thrones Season 7

    a finger in the bum
  5. HMD

    Game of Thrones Season 7

    Didn't she said it wasn't him
  6. HMD

    People Who Died

    Suicide is the new cancer.
  7. HMD

    Minor complaints thread

    Itchy. Really itchy. Think it's from something I ate or bit me.
  8. HMD

    Jaysus cycling!

    I'd have gone if I knew it was on. That track is just down the road
  9. HMD


    Well I was going to a wedding and I shaved a handlebar tash which looked ridiculous so I hade to shave the rest. I should have not bothered
  10. HMD


    The last time I was clean shaven was 1998 and that was an accident. Never again
  11. HMD

    The Non-Animated JPEG Thread

  12. HMD

    Your work situation

    Call her on it. Pregnancy is no excuse for workplace flatulence
  13. HMD

    Great hip-hop albums of our time

    Yeah. The video the full album. Where I first heard body count and drank Long Island ice-t's
  14. HMD

    Great hip-hop albums of our time

  15. HMD

    Minor Pleasures

    First general anaesthetic the other day, it was great fun.
  16. HMD

    Minor complaints thread

    Are they all Irish?
  17. HMD

    Neil Gaiman's 'American Gods' being made into a 6 Series for HBO

    I'm two episodes in and enjoying it including the over the top credits
  18. HMD

    [May 26, 2017] White Hills (Dublin)

    Who? Where?
  19. HMD

    [May 26, 2017] White Hills (Dublin)

    So are they playing? I need to wig out