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  1. Richie

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Saw 'Norman' starring Richard Gere.. he's very good in it as a kind of small-time wheeler-dealer with delusions of grandeur trying to break into the New York Jewish high society business and political scenes late in his career.. I stopped finding it plausible towards the end as the stakes...
  2. Richie

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Saw Get Out, and Life over the last week.. Get Out managed to make a clever twist on an old horror movie idea by using it to explore modern-day race relations in the US, whereas Life just felt like a fairly standard repackaging of bits from several older creature feature thriller movies- Alien...
  3. Richie

    Whipping Boy - Heartworm (1995)

    Wonder if The Shins are fans.. The Shins: Heartworms Album Review | Pitchfork
  4. Richie

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk.. ended up seeing this after arriving too late for another film. I think they were trying to make some kind of subtly satirical statement about how foreign wars are used for commercial purposes back in the USA, and the disconnect between civilians and what their...
  5. Richie

    Social Democrats

    What a let down, .. I'd love to think that the people of Wicklow will give him the boot for that, but I'm sure he'll ride the depressingly resurgent FF wave back into office..
  6. Richie

    Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

    My friend who I was watching it with pointed that out as well.. I thought it was good fun, fast pacing, decent level of tension despite the plot effectively being pre-ordained, not too many dialogue clunkers, and as others have pointed out they got the sense of scale & heft right with giant...
  7. Richie

    What gig did you go to last night?

    I thought Low were reliably great.. that Santa's Coming Over song is the creepiest Christmas tune I've ever heard. Learned the hard way though that you have to show up early to a gig in Christchurch.. we'd a fantastic view of a couple of very large stone pillars with a tiny sliver of somebody's...
  8. Richie

    Any good podcasts about?

    I am big into Hollywood Handbook on Earwolf.. I'm not sure how to describe it in a way that seems appealing, basically two comedian/ writers playing satirical versions of smugly superior L.A. entertainment industry insider types, telling hilariously implausible namedropping anecdotes and riffing...
  9. Richie

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Young Offenders - the thing about 2 Cork teenagers making a cycling trip to try and retrieve a bag of cocaine on a get rich quick venture. Quite entertaining, bit of a made for TV feel about it which is forgivable given the small budget. There's a sort of Dumb & Dumber slapstick silliness to...
  10. Richie

    What television series are you currently making your way through?

    Atlanta, Donald Glover's new series.. I really like this, after 4 episodes. Think something a bit like David Simon's Treme but quite a bit funnier and with a focus on hip-hop / rappers and kind of a surreal sheen to it..
  11. Richie

    The Night Of Thread

    Yeah the way it's going I think they will create enough reasonable doubt to get him off, but the reveal will be that not only did he do it but he's become a full fledged gang monster thanks to his prison experience.
  12. Richie

    The Night Of Thread

    I burned through all the available episodes of this in a couple of days.. it's very well made, and the opening couple of episodes were particularly engrossing, I'm not sure it's entirely lived up to that opening (the prison life stuff seems a bit old hat at this stage) but I'm hooked enough to...
  13. Richie

    What gig did you go to last night?

    Adam Buxton's Bowie Bug thing in the Iveagh Gardens - very enjoyable, just the right balance of nerdy fandom and irreverent silliness.. the Youtube comment section stuff is funnier when he finds the stuff that's bizarre as opposed to just sub-literate but he didn't lean on that too much thankfully.
  14. Richie

    Euro 2016 - let's go

    Maggie Thatchur, Lord Nelson, Lord Beaverbrook, etc... Pity Cormcolash doesn't post here any more, he would have been all over this. I hope the Icies have enough left in the tank to at least give France a decent game.
  15. Richie

    Euro 2016 - let's go

    The way that 2nd French goal happened was horrific, 2 centre backs jumping for the same ball, you can't gift goals like that against superior opposition, was always going to be very tough to claw back into it once we went behind. At least we got 55 minutes where the dream was on, Proud of the...
  16. Richie

    Euro 2016 - let's go

  17. Richie

    Euro 2016 - let's go

    Yeah the joy kind of goes out of these tournament qualifications when there's a pummelling in it for you every time. Belgium are obviously a much stronger side but the manner of the defeat is hard to take, negative from the first minute and didn't deserve anything from the game. Win or bust...
  18. Richie

    Euro 2016 - let's go

    Bit Trap-esque so far, disappointing reliance on punting it downfield at every opportunity.. Easy to see why Shane Long is frustrated, marked out of the 1st game and chasing endless lost causes in this one.
  19. Richie

    Euro 2016 - let's go

    The North bag a win, fair play to them, that Ukraine side conceded very few goals in qualifying. The way the groups are panning out I'd be a bit worried that even if we manage three draws it won't be enough to get us through to Round 2, there are 2 groups already with 3 teams on 3 points or...
  20. Richie

    Euro 2016 - let's go

    Hungary 2 - 0 Austria is a big surprise, that Austria team were shit hot in qualifying. I feel a bit better about our World Cup 2018 prospects now. Rooting for Iceland at the moment, amazed they're back in it given how deep under the cosh they were in the first half..