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  1. Richie

    Euro 2016 - let's go

    Was fairly downbeat at full-time as it felt like a big missed opportunity but having watched the highlights back, 1-1 was probably just about right, we dominated the first half but it swung the other way and we couldn't re-impose ourselves on the game. I'm delighted that it was Hoolahan who got...
  2. Richie

    Euro 2016 - let's go

    So here's the Ireland Euros squad: Keepers: Given / Randolph / Westwood Defenders: Christie / Coleman / Keogh / Duffy / O'Shea / Clark / Ward / Brady Midfield: McGeady / Meyler / Hendrick / Quinn / McCarthy / Whelan / Hoolahan / McClean Forwards: Walters / Murphy / Long / Keane Westwood being...
  3. Richie

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Yeah I have a friend who will go and see any film, irrespective of potential shitness, it was his suggestion!.. The new Linklater one was first choice but that wasn't showing anywhere nearby.
  4. Richie

    What movie did you watch last night?

    A Hologram for the King - fairly lukewarm mishmash with Tom Hanks doing the agreeable everyman thing.. it starts off looking like a farcical comedy with some fish-out-of-water American in the Middle East on a business trip stuff, some mid-life crisis ruminations and turns into a straight-up...
  5. Richie

    Rate all of their albums

    King of Limbs has some great shit on it (Separator, Codex & Bloom are some of my favourite tunes of theirs) but it always seemed a bit too slight to me.. a 37 minute album has no business having something like Feral on it, that'd be pure B-side material on any of their other albums.
  6. Richie

    New Radiohead

    I like it, I think.. very subtle, subdued almost. The rejected Bond theme was a good indication of the sound direction, strings and choirs and slow tempos.. surprising amount of acoustic guitar also. I think it'll be a grower.
  7. Richie

    New Radiohead

    Waiting for it to download.. Whatever about the music they seem to have lost the ability to come up with resonant album titles.. The King of Limbs was passable, but A Moon Shaped Pool?..
  8. Richie

    Ireland v Alexander Lukashenko

    Eh what happened there? (the post above is from a few weeks back, on another thread, it seems to have posted itself again without me doing anything..)
  9. Richie

    What movie did you watch last night?

    10 Cloverfield Lane - the first 90 minutes is a very nicely constructed tense thriller with a small cast in a confined space that has a few interesting twists and turns to it (John Goodman makes a good ambiguous villain).. and then they go and spoil it in the last 15 minutes with some tacked-on...
  10. Richie

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Midnight Special.. It starts off very promisingly with a mysterious setup, and then there are some long stretches of downtime which kind of let the thriller/chase structure sag and the ending is maybe a bit silly,.. Worth a look for sure though, The Spielberg comparisons are definitely valid...
  11. Richie

    Euro 2016 - let's go

    Alan Judge joins Rob Elliot in the out for 6 months or more category with a double leg break.. I know he was an outside shot for the Euros but awful for him in any case, might also scupper his chances of a Premier League move in the summer. Horrible injuries to fringe players are making...
  12. Richie

    Ireland v Alexander Lukashenko

    I saw the squad are training down in Fota Island before that.. Must be Roy's influence, all the Cork stuff.. No harm to spread the home games around the country a bit. Given that it's 2 weeks before the Sweden game it'll be a dry run for the first 11 I suppose.
  13. Richie

    Ireland vs Sepp Blatter and Jozef Tiso

    Yeah, you could see his tendons and everything, fecking hell..
  14. Richie

    Lunch Recommendations in Town

    Shit, used to love that place back in my college days circa 15 years ago.. it did seem to have declined in the last few years but still sorry to see it go. Dublin has a lack of those kind of multi-option food hall places compared to most cities of similar size.. I believe there's a plan to...
  15. Richie

    Ireland vs Sepp Blatter and Jozef Tiso

    Great to beat the Swiss (I still hold a grudge over '04 / '06).. Solid defensive performance, especially encouraging shift from Clark and Duffy. We were rubbish in possession though, the flat 4-4-2 shape didn't help, Meyler and Quinn were a bit swamped in the centre and sticking Judge out on the...
  16. Richie

    Ireland vs Sepp Blatter and Jozef Tiso

    Interesting GIF heavy post about Alan Judge and his merits: Why the ‘Irish Messi’ deserves a chance with the Boys in Green Forrester got cut from the final squad along with Westwood, Gibson, Green, Stokes, Cox.. Westwood is a funny one, Championship keeper of the year and he can't get in ahead...
  17. Richie

    Ireland vs Sepp Blatter and Jozef Tiso

    I'm not sure we have floods of viable right backs either - Coleman and Christie obviously, Wilson though he's well out of contention at Stoke, O'Shea's too slow to manage it these days.. I'm not sure if Clark or Ward have ever played on that side. Didn't Meyler end up filling in there a couple...
  18. Richie

    Ireland vs Sepp Blatter and Jozef Tiso

    There'll be 10 players cut from that group before the matches, it'll be interesting to see who of the potential new caps stays in. Judge definitely deserves a chance, one of the best players in the Championship this season, and Doherty is worth a go given the shortage of good fullback options...
  19. Richie

    The Velvet Underground - The Velvet Underground & Nico (1967)

    Here's another one, with the Martin Hannett treatment:
  20. Richie

    Julia Holter

    Yeah that was really enjoyable. Was a bit worried after the first couple of her tunes that it'd fall flat - quietest sell-out crowd I'd ever seen at that venue, plus Julia herself initially seemed laid-back to the point of indifference.. It got going very nicely though once they warmed up a bit...