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  • Users: brianoak
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  1. brianoak

    I now own the general page

    What it says. Keep your pledge kids.Jesus loves you. That is all.
  2. brianoak

    benefit for a benefit

    Hello Gig in Chapel,Dun Laoighre Institute of Art and Design Next Thursday the 17th 6pm-9pm and continued in Bakers afterwards The Coffin(infidel castro) stoner rock Bob "The Gun" Mc Cabe playing the mutant blues Daedulus????tbc Fuck the Rewind and Adam-reggae to gabba There yis are,a lovely...
  3. brianoak

    Benefit for a benefit-Aware

    Hello Gig in Chapel,Dun Laoighre Institute of Art and Design Next Thursday the 17th 6pm-9pm and continued in Bakers afterwards The Coffin(infidel castro) stoner rock Bob "The Gun" Mc Cabe playing the mutant blues Daedulus????tbc Fuck the Rewind and Adam-reggae to gabba There yis are,a...
  4. brianoak

    First Case of Bird Flu In Ireland!!!!!!!

    Not really. Typical Irish crow,only had a common cold but of course said he had the flu. When are we Irish going to learn,The boy who cried wolf etc etc....
  5. brianoak


    Where can I get for free and compatibale with Windows 98? Thanks
  6. brianoak


    Fuck your ribena.
  7. brianoak


    Has anyone beem docked by "me" today? Got a P.m off somone saying that they got a rep message saying fuck off and die -brianoak. Someome is docking people and signing off my name at the end of the message. Apologies to anyone if this happened to them.I assure you it wasnt me.
  8. brianoak

    Anal Hygeine appreciation thread

    Not really,what a prick.I sincerely hope you get a belt of some kind of public transport today.Preferably a Dart.
  9. brianoak

    Happy Birthday Yahoo Slurp

    32 today.Have good one dude,see you in Dandelion later.
  10. brianoak

    im a big fat stupid head

    and my ass stinks like a butt, and ive got 13 toes. fuck metal man, im sick of it, i reckon indie's where its at these days...
  11. brianoak

    Open G news

    Keith Richards favourite tuning. Thats all for this edition.
  12. brianoak


    Just ordered a take away from the chinese and I was telling your one that our doorbell was broken so could she get the delivery man to bang on the window. Anyways I had to explain this about three times because her English wasnt great,better than my chinese though:rolleyes:,so I go to her at the...
  13. brianoak

    Whats the deal with indie kids being into metal?

    This isnt directed at anyone in particular by the way. Why is it suddenly acceptable? Its always the same bands too i.e Mastadon,Converge etc etc. Would a Slayer T-shirt wear the print off a snow patrol one when placed in the same drawer?
  14. brianoak

    Favourite Josh Homme Band

    Welllllll He toured with Sreaming Trees dunno if he was officially in them.
  15. brianoak

    Now Playing???

    Can we have this back? Its pretty much how I judge and make friends here
  16. brianoak

    Attention Eoin

    Could you contact me or Gary about the practice space.Donal said to talk to you about it.PM me and I will give you my number or Garys. Thanks.
  17. brianoak

    One Guitar for the rest of your life

    If you had to pick one for the rest of your life.Im only posting brands so specify which model.Im pretty close minded as far as guitars go so I expect a lot of people will choose other.If so specify.
  18. brianoak


    I just sold Ian Dempsey a pump. Of course I acted all cool like I didnt know who he was but Im pretty mad like that ye know. Jealous?Huh??Yeah yis are
  19. brianoak

    The Bellrays

    Got one of their recors off my housemate last night.Anyone else like them? I really like them,fuzzy MC5esque guitars and great vocals.Think they are on that poptones label.Cool stuff though.
  20. brianoak

    Anyone into the Mosquitos?

    Well? They are playing Landsowne next month,anyone going?