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  1. Alan Remorse

    I just realised how much i love the name "mackle"

    seriously, it just rolls off the tongue has a certain christmassy feel to it as well m-ackle better than "skeffington" anyday 4 MORE YEARS
  2. Alan Remorse

    hmmm, subversive

  3. Alan Remorse


    new movie from director of DOTD 2004 this is gonna be amazing check out the hilarious trailor here: "those were all for sissies" plus michael rooker back in the saddle!
  4. Alan Remorse

    Dont you hate it when you're opening a refresher...

    and the fucking paper sticks to it and rips off, leaving you to scrape bits off paper off your precious refresher? IT REALLY GETS MY GOAT
  5. Alan Remorse

    who would you rather sleep with: scott valentine from family ties or crispin glover

    im talking glover circa friday 13th part 4.
  6. Alan Remorse

    Your Favourite Friday 13th Moment

    its got to be crispin glover dancing like a mongo in part 4. amazing.
  7. Alan Remorse

    Movies that are mostly amazing but are spoiled by a shite ending

    i'd have to go with Hell In The Pacific as the worst example of this it's still my favourite lee marvin movie but seriously, the ending they went with was just pathetic. i wish there was a DVD available that had the alternate ending included in the movie instead of that piece of crap. as it is...
  8. Alan Remorse

    Brutal Truth - Extreme Conditions Demand Extreme Responses

    first bought this on secondhand tape (who would sell this?!) when i was 13, had never heard of them, but bought it cos it was on Earache. just upgraded to CD, and it's just as good as it ever was. oh yeah. gonna get Need To Control on CD next.
  9. Alan Remorse

    Ms B Haven

    dear haven, you take pipe. yours, Alan
  10. Alan Remorse


    so i have Human 2.0 and Inhale/Exhale, and they're both deadly (though Inhale/Exhale is definitely the better of the two) are the other records worth getting?
  11. Alan Remorse

    While we're on a list buzz...

    here's total film's top 50 horror movies total bullshit halloween and suspiria in the top 5? The Thing at no 11? blair witch appearing on the list in any shape or form? NOTLD at no 21? worst of all...
  12. Alan Remorse

    Confession Time

    i listen to this album. constantly.
  13. Alan Remorse

    Reviews Section

    why is the reviews section is such a ghost town? surely it would be a good idea to actually maintain the reviews section and have bands send in demos etc... it would probably lead to a bigger interest in thumped if people thought they could get their material reviewed here. and anyway...
  14. Alan Remorse

    I passed Ed Harris today on the street

    yep, was on my way up to the histroy dept and passed by ed harris... and im 100% sure it was him cos i had a good gawk as he passed seemed to be on his way to the hayfield (5 star hotel next to the history dept) i shoulda stopped him and asked him what cronenberg is like
  15. Alan Remorse

    Tetsuo Soundtrack?

    anybody know where this can be picked up? must be the best soundtrack to any film. EVER.
  16. Alan Remorse

    Giving Presentations ass. this week i have to give two: one on Machiavelli's The Prince and one on Stephen Gardiner, who was archbishop of Worchester in 1546 (or something) havent even started researching them yet... it's gotten to the point where im having dreams in which i make a complete idiot of...
  17. Alan Remorse

    Dracula AD 1972

    haha, has anybody seen this? it looks like absolute gold "the count is back, with an eye for london's hotpants" how come i've never heard of this till now? i was sure i'd seen almost every hammer movie found some sample dialogue online: Joe Mitcham: Is there anybody down there...
  18. Alan Remorse

    Big Boy Barry?
