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  1. Alan Remorse

    So... Alien

    so i watched the boxset of alien last weekend, and im confused. mainly, why does everyone hate Alien 3 so much? granted, i watched the director's cut, which was 40 minutes longer and a million times better than the theatrical release, but still... it's a great movie, especially when you...
  2. Alan Remorse

    Phantasm Box Set

    just ordered mine, 26.99 on comes in this nifty little set: these films totally fucking rule and i dont wanna hear no "part 3 and 4 were shit" anyone else gonna pick this up? the tall man is my hero: "BOYYYYYYY!!!"
  3. Alan Remorse

    Death Will Come Easy Just Close Your Eyes

    Funeral held for the depression of man Holds the key to his own death Entering a tomb of a corpse yet conceived Tighten the tourniquet around your neck Sifting away the debris of hated life Cold touch of death begins to chill your spine Seeking life beyond your perishment Repeating...
  4. Alan Remorse

    Im pretty sure Bubba Ho-Tep is the best movie ever made

    who's with me? "what do i care, i've got a growth on my pecker..."
  5. Alan Remorse

    Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence

    this is one of my favourite movies ever, a total masterpiece.... everything about it just knocks me out it kinda makes me wish bowie had persued acting a bit further, and tried more "serious" roles like that of Celliers.. amd even though some of the acting is ropey (the only really note...
  6. Alan Remorse

    Wisdom Teeth

    getting all my wisdom teeth out on friday shitting bricks at least i get a day off from school
  7. Alan Remorse

    New My Remorse Site

    yadda yadda mp3s and shit
  8. Alan Remorse

    Brothers Grimm

    anybody else looking forward to this, but still terrified of being horribly disappointed? im a huge fan Gilliam, Brazil in particular is one of my favourite films ever... plus we get an ugly monica bellucci... just have to wait and see i guess
  9. Alan Remorse

    Angel Heart on tonight on ITV was the only movie with which alan parker reached his full potential (well, unless you count Fame...) i never liked much of his other stuff... i downright hated Midnight Express, but only because it was so lame compared to the book... and dont even get me...
  10. Alan Remorse

    Should I Break My Edge?

    like all important decisions, i'll leave this up to the Thumped populace
  11. Alan Remorse

    Fourth Dimension

    man, just listening to my cassette of Around The Day In Eighty Worlds this band were fucking unbelievable best irish band ever
  12. Alan Remorse

    Robocop eh?

    whats the story with all these so-called Robocop movies Network 2 are showing lately? there's one on this week called "Robocop - Prime Directives, Dark Justice" i presume these are just lame TV movies with nary a whiff of Peter Weller? dodgy
  13. Alan Remorse

    Don Siegel

    don seigel was a total legend... had a really mixed career but made some total classics very few directors moved through genres the way he did this has always been my favourite western, and definitely my favourite siegel movie... never was too much of a Wayne fan but this movie got it...
  14. Alan Remorse

    Peter Gabriel Thread

    the first musician i truly loved started listening when i was about 8 and have never given up on my love for peter legend
  15. Alan Remorse

    Between The Buried And Me - Alaska

    best shit i've heard since oh, the last BTBAM album fuck mastodon, this is where its at
  16. Alan Remorse

    Recurring Dreams

    Dream No 1: All my teeth are rotting and falling out of my head Dream No 2: I have to go back to school, and am surrounded by children poking fun at my size Dream No 3: The side of my face swells up to the side of a balloon due to a problem with my gums (this actually happened) Best And...
  17. Alan Remorse

    Amanda Woodward

    do any of you emo pussies have stuff by this band that you could copy for me?
  18. Alan Remorse

    If i could afford it, i'd eat marks & spencer food for the rest of my life

    just eating a duck/hoisin wrap right now sex like
  19. Alan Remorse

    Boy Meets Girl (Ray Brady, 1994)

    been interested in checking this out for some time now. twas banned on it's release in 1994 but then passed with no cuts in 2001, which naturally arouses my interest. a lot of conflicting reviews on though, seems to really divide people does anyone know if it's worth watching?
  20. Alan Remorse

    Hardcore Is Amazing

    bring on the beatdowns you fucks