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  1. mazzyianne

    India's Missing Women

    It's so completely insane they banned it. You can read the response of Trocaire and others here: You can hear the ad or see the TV version here: If you wish to write to the BCI asking them to...
  2. mazzyianne

    pyrenees on a bike

    Ok finally remembered to talk to my housemate about his trip. He cycled from France down along the coast to Barcelona, he said it's beautiful. They stuck to the coast, it's constant hills. Uphill for two hours, downhill for 10mins town for five mins then back to the uphill. But he loved it and...
  3. mazzyianne

    hideous funeral flowers

    I saw one cool one where the photo was of an aul lad cheers-ing the camera with a pint of guiness. what a legend.
  4. mazzyianne

    pyrenees on a bike

    ooooooooooooooo looks amazing, those photos of the canal are beautiful. Can we turn this into a nerdy cycle tour thread? I plan to do more cycling in Ireland this summer. Did a bit of the tain trail ( ) last year and...
  5. mazzyianne

    Anarchist Bookfair (this weekend) Final Details

    Actually it's called 'class, revolution and feminism' bumpedy bump
  6. mazzyianne


    Happy birthday!! What ya doing for the weekend? It's Ellas too so we'll be boozing and eating cake all weekend. .|..| :) :) .|..|
  7. mazzyianne

    Sociable Cooking

    Ooooo, I like your house. Also that's the day of Carbide's workshop whatsit in seomra spraoi. SO, after that, and before booze-up, we eat grease! Sounds like a fun-packed day.|..| :)
  8. mazzyianne

    Ungdomshuset Evicted

    Shit buzz :mad: Hope yis are all ok.
  9. mazzyianne

    pyrenees on a bike

    Some friends of mine have done this, from france south to BCN and I think the other way also. I'll ask em and get back to you :)
  10. mazzyianne

    really deadly holidays

    Ooooo, I'm with ya there, going overland makes such a difference. Cyclings the best. I've done the cycle buzz in Denmark, Germany and Czech Rep and another one in France and Spain. Both amazing. Had this cool moment where i was coasting down a hill with an amazing castle on it on the Czech...
  11. mazzyianne

    Sociable Cooking

    My house is choc full of mini creme eggs at the moment... I hear they're batterable. The thought of it makes me feel a little sick tho...:o You might be always cooking the tofu but I never get to eat it.
  12. mazzyianne

    Sociable Cooking

    Will there be battered Mars Bars??? Snickers? Will you make your famous battered tofu?
  13. mazzyianne


    I feel like I'm giving away a state secret here coz it is quite fantastically delicious but: -Them aforementioned oats -Sometimes some barley oats -roast on an oven tray til hottish -sprinkle on a half pinch of cinnamon and of cardamon -in the meantime melt some coconut oil with two spoons of...
  14. mazzyianne

    Send help...

    bip, tom waits, bip, neil young, bip, lizzy, bip Bets she's writing on some religious forum about being stuck with me subjecting to whiny guitarists and rock tunes ...:D :D the devils music.
  15. mazzyianne

    Send help...

    Thanks dudes :) The update: She fell asleep, all was well. I kinda had fun digging up music thats palatable to other people. Fugazi even sound heavier when there's other people around. Listened to the cure and lots of 80s pop and Rory Gallagher (no change there:D ), christy moore, planxty...
  16. mazzyianne


    We get ballysomething jumbo oats from the hopsack, they're good and don't turn into readybrekish mush. I haven't had porridge in ages. Been making home-made muesli and it's amazing but a little time consuming.
  17. mazzyianne

    Send help...

    Ah, bad buzz. I'm running out of square ears... Any ideas?
  18. mazzyianne

    Send help...

    Hehe:) Her cd's ended. Ha! Looks like I won this round. I can keep yis posted on the nailbiting excitement til 8am... Anyone....??? hello...
  19. mazzyianne

    Send help...

    You're totally right. Don't think I'd try and take anything out on the clients round here but she could end up with a severe case of broken lighthouse family cd in the eye. I've put on some planxty off youtube not having any cds with me. It's drowned out the wailing across the room.
  20. mazzyianne

    Send help...

    Yeah, one place I used to work it was aslan and the corrs. That was awful. worse. It's either this or religious joyous shit, so, i dunno. I cant even think straight to figure out a way out of the situation. Any music I would listen to would freak the fuck out of her I'm pretty...