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  1. mazzyianne


    Anyone have a rat and want to adopt another one? Or anyone been thinking of getting rats? One of my co-workers rats just had babies and her other rat is preggers, so please if you know anyone get in touch. They're sociable creatures so taking one is not really enough, it'd need to be a pair...
  2. mazzyianne

    Sociable Cooking

    Or yis could do some healthy asian stuff like nori and rice paper rolls..mmmmm
  3. mazzyianne

    Queen Kong / Ladyfest Berlin Hassle

    Re: Magical Girl Gig Sat 18th Aug - Das Wanderlust+Estel+Sweet Jane Would you celebrate african people's music and art? Would that be ok? Sure, and why?? Because their music and art has been devalued for years and does exist and should be celebrated. It's not just women in third world...
  4. mazzyianne

    Polish restaurant fuck over worker

    Yup, thats the place. Good thing we didn't go in, she'd probably have had to wash our dishes..
  5. mazzyianne

    Polish restaurant fuck over worker

    Just got this e-mail today: WARNING! SLAVE LABOUR ZONE! Martha arrived to Dublin to earn money for next year of her studies. She found a job in GOSPODA POLSKA (POLISH INN) in Capel Street. After 10 hours of work as a kitchen porter she was told that it was a mock day and the company did not...
  6. mazzyianne


    Yeah deadly buzz, cheers jasper. Was loving Kidd Blunt and Only Fumes. Had some deadly dancing buzzes in the reggae tent... Cool to have so many people from all over the gaff there. Lordjaysus, jmack you captured that one bit of sunshine there in the pic with everyone sitting on the logs, that...
  7. mazzyianne

    Virtual Bike Workshop

    If anyone is interested in starting a real life bike workshop there were suggestions of having one in seomra spraoi. However any bike enthusiasts involved so far are too busy/underconfident to get it started. Anyone up for it?
  8. mazzyianne


    Yeah I cycled to Mayo from Dublin. But we didn't go a very direct route... Took in some of the tain trail cycle route, amazing It's not too hilly at all, if you're used to cycling you'll be grand. I'd say you'd be cutting it fine...
  9. mazzyianne

    NEW HOME FOR Seomra Spraoi

    Oops i forgot, the table quiz tuesday evening, 7.30 pm was supposed to be in the lower deck, now it's in the seomra. So, get a team together!
  10. mazzyianne

    NEW HOME FOR Seomra Spraoi

    painting started today. Events coming up are: Picnic cafe on sunday 1pm, bring your own food coz we have no kitchen yet (and possibly no chairs still). There will probably be some discussion about the rooms and what they could be used for, who wants to do what stuff, all that... Also anyone...
  11. mazzyianne

    random nev sighting

    A sighting was reported today in town, he hasn't changed apparently but may have ditched his english accent in favour of an ozzie one. nev=.|..|
  12. mazzyianne

    Fight For Women's Right to Choose!

    I think 'legal in certain well defined circumstances' sounds like the worst idea ever. I mean, what then? Who chooses if you're suicidal enough or if you really were raped, if you're poor enough or unstable enough? The courts? You have to go and sit in court, discuss the most intimate details of...
  13. mazzyianne

    Restaurant Recommendations

    Two Italian style recommendations I have to share - 1) the Italian place on Camden street with the bike stuff all over it (the one where you have to ring the doorbell to get in) I had the veggie pizza, really good! The Phoenix in the 'italian quarter' closes early but has also amazing pizza...
  14. mazzyianne

    agressor going to Dublin

    I haven't read this since the first few posts, afraid of what I'll find... Anyway, this guy showed up to the Revolt Video launch on Friday, people talked to him, he was told he wouldn't be allowed into the gig. He didn't seem too surprised. Most people were drinking outside but once word got...
  15. mazzyianne

    how the fuck did I get here???

    I woke up next to the train station in Venice one morning with a strange man sitting beside me stroking my hair. I fucking freaked. He was talking about getting married or something. Apparently Ray and Daragh had tried to get me to wake up n go back to the gaff but I punched them so eventually...
  16. mazzyianne

    Quotes from your child

    A certain occasional thumpeder's (2 year old) child was taking my hat off my head and repeatedly throwing it in the ground the other day, laughing like a maniac when I pretended to throw him in the bush after it. Then he just clattered me across the head... I asked why he did that and he just...
  17. mazzyianne

    Help needed in the seomra

    Hi varuka, when can you bring the boxes?? There are people there almost all the time at the moment. Janer, it's all dead babies, thanks tho. Ok it's not. Any recycling centre really, think grangegorman is closest...
  18. mazzyianne

    Help needed in the seomra

    Hey all, Thanks to everyone who came to ormond quay over the last 10 months or so. It's been deadly! We're starting to clear out all our crap and could use plently of help. Myself and Dunchee will be there this Wednesday and Thursday daytimes (from midday til 6ish) and then there is a late crew...
  19. mazzyianne

    kids day in the seomra

    Heyas, sorry for the late reply... No age limit on the kids :) it's from 3 til 6pm. Adults of all ages welcome too. If anyone can't make it tomorrow our last cafe is on Sunday at 3pm and there's normally kids at that, no puppet-making or storytelling though...
  20. mazzyianne

    hey there folks, some galway questions if you can help

    I stopped reading there at some point but think I'll wade in anyway. Normally they hate the food and think veganism is stupid. Think that's what Sao Paolo was implying. I work in a homeless gaff and we got donated a load of yogurts and yops but they were out of date and no one here would eat...