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  1. mr.blueface

    Tribute to Leatherface

    ahhh, its in some weird alien writting!! can anyone decode it for me? :)
  2. mr.blueface

    The old town aint the same

    i like janer! was always nice to me ..i wont miss him tho, i bearly come on this, but i can see how much yall wont miss him...esp since there a whole thread here dedicated to him :)
  3. mr.blueface

    Terrodactyl EP Launch , Super Extra Bonus Party , We Are Knives + Enemies !!!!!!

    you walk round like u own the place, sporting new hair do !., ;)
  4. mr.blueface

    Terrodactyl EP Launch , Super Extra Bonus Party , We Are Knives + Enemies !!!!!!

    well you've only clocked up at most 7 minutes talk time, the more friendly you are, the bigger discounts!! terms and conditions apply.:p
  5. mr.blueface

    Terrodactyl EP Launch , Super Extra Bonus Party , We Are Knives + Enemies !!!!!!

    ill make this, altho nobody talks to me at these shows(then expect discounts in my shop)...BUT ill be the bigger man!!....:)
  6. mr.blueface

    Bad Scene Presents: LEATHERFACE August 12th

    cant hack it mate, tut tut!! ;)
  7. mr.blueface

    Bad Scene Presents: LEATHERFACE August 12th

    me 3 i hope i can get a ticket a the door, !ninjaaaa
  8. mr.blueface

    Which Crust band are you???

    i got marillion, ?? there not crust!!
  9. mr.blueface

    simpsons movie

    at the risk of sounding positive bout something, which i know isnt the norm on this "public domain" but i think the simpsons have been amazing from start to finish!! none of them (episodes) have disapointed me, and the film was great, some ppl maybe took it to serious, and started slagging it...
  10. mr.blueface

    LEFTOVER CRACK - Last ever tour

    i agree, they were good lads last nite, im off to work, its 07:49 an im still drunk.. dropping bombs were the best last night!!!
  11. mr.blueface

    LEFTOVER CRACK - Last ever tour

    i hope theres a SERIOUS attitude adjustment at tomorrow compaired to the last show!! going to see roosky!! viva le roosky....,
  12. mr.blueface

    simpsons movie

    i thought it was great, maybe you took it too seriously!!
  13. mr.blueface

    save camden market

    that place is strange, some good records to be found, thts bout it!! lots of pistols t-shirts and crass logos!!
  14. mr.blueface

    Bad Scene Presents: LEATHERFACE August 12th

    frankie stubbs for president!! ..i hope this gig is a billion times better tht last time!! i really do,ove this band but cant bear to see them being awful!! is it true hthey got there gee-tarrist back?
  15. mr.blueface


    i wonder how tht would go down, whn the driver see's me messing round the engine at connelly bus station,.. :D
  16. mr.blueface

    Midsummer Punkfest in Belfast

    an guybrush in the background, looks like he's coming up on something.
  17. mr.blueface


    ahh the poor lad, all he wanted to do is get loaded an eat the food chilled out on the floor!! tht little girl is gonna grow up to be a right scorpion!!....
  18. mr.blueface

    Midsummer Punkfest in Belfast

    monkey island!!! brilliant, id go just for tht alone!!!
  19. mr.blueface


    BYO..pills!.. i aint taking any that were hidden up someones ass!!
  20. mr.blueface

    redneck child slays monster pig

    hmmm, the title of the thread was the most mis-leading, i was expecting some cork head to have taken out a massive cop or something...anyways..