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  1. mr.blueface

    'Torture is us'Dublin Premiere - Fri 22nd

    nah, billy idol would "ave em".......kinda looks like "yeti" from tht film with gary oldman called the firm......."i gotta ave em, you know tht. you saw wht he did to the motor"
  2. mr.blueface

    Ballroom #73: Papier Tigre (FRA), The Lower Deck, Sat Feb 23rd

    the whiskey? wheres tht?
  3. mr.blueface

    OFAC in a BOTTLE...

    haha, thts was great, ye dont sound very hardcore,... you reckon you made a believer outta ray?
  4. mr.blueface

    Aggro at gigs recently

    does all this chatter mean i cant run in with the windmill anymore?
  5. mr.blueface

    This is England wins best British film at the Baftas

    i liked it, "suck on me tits"
  6. mr.blueface

    Ger's going away hooliganight social gathering event (last sketch club AGM)

    thtll never happen, as pierce brosnan says, "I dont mind getting old, but ill never let myself go" but i dont see him at many dropping bomb shows anymore, he used to be a right laugh!
  7. mr.blueface

    Ger's going away hooliganight social gathering event (last sketch club AGM)

    one lads listening to his ipod in tht picture..very core!!
  8. mr.blueface


    Re: FUCKING HOMOSEXUALS didnt know mouthpiece were such a small band, if u know wht i mean!!
  9. mr.blueface


    sorry. friends?
  10. mr.blueface


    hows your rasher!!
  11. mr.blueface


    hahaha, did u ever hear a knack burd sayin "giv us a shot of yizzer bollocks" or some little tomo sayin to a girl on a bus, "hows your gee for a gallop" haha, and he's clearly bout 10 yrs old
  12. mr.blueface


    what about cock receptor?, i heard someone use tht recently while talkingg bout his (significant other) but he was a funny guy so he got away with it.
  13. mr.blueface


    what bout "me mot" they tend to dislike tht
  14. mr.blueface


    the truths out now,!! hopfully someone will make up a good photoshop of seomra spraoi ppl lookin shamefull on the front of the hearld!! i simply dont have the i have eunuff ppl disliking me to have an actual internet forum after me, im a wimp ye see....was never hardcore enough to...
  15. mr.blueface


    thats fuckin nasty!! youve been to too many seomra spraoi events!! !ninjaaaa
  16. mr.blueface

    CLASH JAM WALLOP - charity gig, friday 1st Feb

    awhhh, dont tel me tht!! i really wanted to go, but had nobody to go with me,...
  17. mr.blueface


    whats all this ?
  18. mr.blueface

    CLASH JAM WALLOP - charity gig, friday 1st Feb

    excuse janer here he's been on bebo way too long an has started to initalize everything, clash jam wallop are great addition to pills, u hear wht u wanna hear, im always impressed by any attempt by the clash!! who heres goin to it? i was gonna but the gal said no, boo hoo
  19. mr.blueface

    I think of blackrock as the OC of Ireland

    i went onto tht sweet16 lads bebo and read this comment, its fuckin amazing, its the 6th comment down!!
  20. mr.blueface

    why jesus

    my fav is, "ch **ch, whats missing?, R U?" its a lot to take in while blowing by on the 46a,