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  1. pissypants

    animated gif thread I loved this Space Milk gif, so I wrote a short song in tribute:
  2. pissypants

    It's the Friday 80s Pop song thread

    The bassline for this mixed with Madonna's "Holiday" chords = Rick Astley "Never Gonna Give You Up". Pretty sure SAW fessed up to that.
  3. pissypants

    Thread for Current pop songs you like

    Speaking of Rhianna, she was never better than doing her best Sia impersonation. There's something about her low-pitched slack-larynxed choruses on this that's amazing. She never usually sings like this (i think?)
  4. pissypants

    Thread for Current pop songs you like

    Come on you posers! Rememebr when this thread was about *real* pop! ;)
  5. pissypants

    Bored in Work 998

    Amazing book. Read it in about 1999 and it was my first proper introduction to scepticism.
  6. pissypants

    Bored in Work 998

    Thats actually fucking amazing, I'd highly recommend *any* pf the clips you can find from that show. It's called "It's fun to imagine" and it's literaly just Feyneman responding to "simple" questions with answers that blow your mind. Wait, actually here's the whole thing:
  7. pissypants

    You know you're getting old....

    I remember it intimately. I was fucking terrified of the Vortex as a child. And that floor puzzle with the shapes and colours is burned into my brain too...
  8. pissypants

    Problems with Audacity

    Here's the fork you're looking for - Tenacity
  9. pissypants

    Bored in Work 991

    Are you saying you can tell by the pixels that it's Photoshop?
  10. pissypants

    Bored in Work 991

    Lack of awareness + too much money + vanity = this video
  11. pissypants

    Bored in Work 991

  12. pissypants

    Bored in Work 991

    - you're welcome
  13. pissypants

    Steam and other videogame bargains someone should buy...

    Steam Sale today innit. Welcome to Steam And of course, as per every friday, free games on the Epic Store
  14. pissypants

    Where to buy a laptop for work

    Buy at CEX. Much cheaper and very reliable machines that come with a guarantee. I second Gaz's recommendations for Thinkpad.
  15. pissypants


    I made this with all sounds (except for drums) coming from the PolyD
  16. pissypants


    I've got one. They're *amazing*. Behringer have just released their version of the MonoPoly too
  17. pissypants

    Steam and other videogame bargains someone should buy...

    Devolver Digital sale on steam today. They're like the A24 of Video Games. Such good taste at what they publish. Hotline MIami, Enter The Gungeon, Gato Roboto, etc etc... a few euro each
  18. pissypants

    The Endless Acid Banger

    It's gone viral in the last few says, is that it?
  19. pissypants

    Solar Power?

    Sounds like what my friend's nana said about computers and the internet in 1997. She was convinced it was a fad who's time would end...
  20. pissypants

    Solar Power?

    Interesting! Bit pricey for what I have in mind though.