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  1. sleepy

    Clothes and haircuts

    I got asked to be a hair model for Peter Mark yesterday. By that I mean I got asked if I wanted to go into the training centre on North Earl street and get a free hair cut. But when you say it the first way it sounds deadlier
  2. sleepy

    Clothes and haircuts

  3. sleepy

    Clothes and haircuts

    Score. I still like checked shirts but I'm getting kind of stuck in a rut.
  4. sleepy

    Clothes and haircuts

    That's it, next payday I'm getting a black shirt. I've enough check shirts to last me 2 lifetimes
  5. sleepy

    Clothes and haircuts

    I could call myself Long John Silver Surfer
  6. sleepy

    Clothes and haircuts

    I actually wear skinny jeans a fair bit too. Thankfully my parents have never commented on my genitals. Although, I remember one day my 2 year old was pointing at my jeans and going "Look, there's daddy trousers" and then my wife said "You mean daddy's tights". Fair play to her, that was a...
  7. sleepy

    Clothes and haircuts

    Then what would I do with my superhero costume?
  8. sleepy

    Clothes and haircuts

    Now, you can save on repairs!
  9. sleepy

    Clothes and haircuts

    I remember a few years ago a mate of mine bought his one and only pair of skinny jeans. He got home and the first thing his da said when he walked in the door was "Paul, I can see your balls". That was the end of skinny jeans for him
  10. sleepy

    Clothes and haircuts

    If you keep something long enough it's bound to come into fashion
  11. sleepy

    Clothes and haircuts

    They have a tear in the knee. All the kids are wearing them that way these days. In the depths of winter no less. Personally I'd be afraid of getting frost cock.