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  1. corksongs

    Fantasy Football 10/11

    that time of week again
  2. corksongs

    Fantasy Football 10/11

    whoop there it is blog for tomorrow's gameweek i can't have a worse week than last time, I blame Godspeed
  3. corksongs

    ATP curated by Godspeed! You Black Emperor - 3rd - 5th of December 2010

    i remember the autechre one I was at, the bunch i was with and myself just gave out the whole fucking time cos it was so piss poor. looking back I'd say I would have enjoyed it more now
  4. corksongs

    Cine Ceoil #2 of 8 - Lou Reed & Talking Heads - Sat 24 April

    Cineceoil 5 - Leonard Cohen: Free As A Bird Saturday, December 18 2010 Mr Bradleys, Barrack Street - 5.30pm - FREE Don't be cynical, be Cine Ceoil Cork's brightest music/film crossover night THESE FILMS ARE PLAYED LOUD & ALWAYS FREE get away from those laptops with tiny pixelated images and...
  5. corksongs

    ATP curated by Godspeed! You Black Emperor - 3rd - 5th of December 2010

    i'm no hero, the real heroes are the doctors and nurses and super heroes
  6. corksongs

    ATP curated by Godspeed! You Black Emperor - 3rd - 5th of December 2010

    what a great a weekend left minehead at 9am on monday, back in my house in cork Tuesday afternoon, 5pm fuckign fog
  7. corksongs

    Fantasy Football 10/11

    it's that time of the week again last blog before the budget have a good fantasy week everyone, i'm off to minehead to see godspeed. yess
  8. corksongs

    Fantasy Football 10/11

    weekly blog up here good luck and have a good gamweek folks
  9. corksongs

    Fantasy Football 10/11

    the latest blog from a guy who is scrapping by
  10. corksongs

    ATP curated by Godspeed! You Black Emperor - 3rd - 5th of December 2010

    you looking still Neilo PM if you are cheers
  11. corksongs

    Fantasy Football 10/11

    latest blog post from a guy doing terrible this season
  12. corksongs

    ATP curated by Godspeed! You Black Emperor - 3rd - 5th of December 2010

    hey mondayers I'll do my best it's kinda hard to get one company to give me a quote for one size bus up and another down but i'll do my bestest and like the cool mountie from Northern Exposure I always (that means usually) get the job done i'll get it sorted by wed of next week r
  13. corksongs

    ATP curated by Godspeed! You Black Emperor - 3rd - 5th of December 2010

    regarding the bus, is anyone else looking for spots? up and down from bristol airport friday afternoon and monday morning
  14. corksongs

    Fantasy Football 10/11

    forgot to post my blog
  15. corksongs

    ATP curated by Godspeed! You Black Emperor - 3rd - 5th of December 2010

    sorry guys back on track tardy reply is my attempt at hipsterism
  16. corksongs

    Fantasy Football 10/11

    latest blog update sorry for it's lateness keep meaning to do it for after lunch
  17. corksongs

    Fantasy Football 10/11

    latest blog
  18. corksongs

    ATP curated by Godspeed! You Black Emperor - 3rd - 5th of December 2010

    okay, this might sound complicated but bus is sorted as it stand it's €30 euro return, from airport to minehead and back that will drop by a few quid if more than 22 people get onto me and then I go up a bus size and price goes down? PM me if yer interested - THe bus will leave after the...
  19. corksongs

    ATP curated by Godspeed! You Black Emperor - 3rd - 5th of December 2010

    i'll be organising a 14/15 seater from bristol airport straight to atp fri afternoon and back on mon PM me if yer interested