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  1. mc moley

    Tom Waits for Dublin

    gettin excited only a few hours and a shoulder of whiskey away!!
  2. mc moley


    not 100% i was chatting to derek who is setting it up and i think he's asked soliders take half....if they arent doing it i'd imagine it would be some band out of dj'in thats about the only detail i know of. and that it starts at 12.
  3. mc moley


    shit buzz, funniest thing is that half of us dont even skate now like 5 years later!!
  4. mc moley


    we were fund raising and petitioning for it for years, then we got chatting to a counciller and got the ball rolling. Friends of ours, who now run a BMX/SKATE shop in greystones, designed it and worked as labourers on it for about two years so it was a long slog! come down and check it...
  5. mc moley

    Mantua festival

    ticket=sold cheers
  6. mc moley


    there's going to be a BMX & Skateboard jam this weekend in Greystones Skate PArk. I think it starts around about 12 and goes on till six. there'll be bands, Dj's and raffels so get to it. .|..|
  7. mc moley

    Mantua festival

    if anyone is looking for a ticket to this can you please pm me or something cuz i have a friend with one going beggin that they're trying to flog.
  8. mc moley

    GSV gig - Greystones - All Ages - Saturday 28th June '08

    by the way a friend of mine jusst opened a shop beside this place. its called the boardroom and does bmx skate and surf stuff if you's are interested. just opened today!
  9. mc moley

    Tom Waits for Dublin

    got me a ticket!
  10. mc moley

    Comeback Kid - 16 June - Eamonn Doran's

    is this the same comeback kid from years ago?? it says on your little blurb they are two years old...that right?
  11. mc moley

    Outbreak (US) - Wed 27th August - Greystones Theatre - All Ages

    or it could be like an old kilcoole gig and have twenty people sitting right outside with flaggons while drunk twelve year olds puked everywhere......thanks be to god i dont do gigs any more!!!
  12. mc moley

    Tom Waits for Dublin

    anyone know when they go on sale?
  13. mc moley

    Drumacanoo Punx Picnic (Letterkenny)

    & "dj" Mc Moley :)
  14. mc moley

    Records in New York.

    bleecker St is a great place there's record shops all over the place and a place called mat umanoff's or something like that which is a savage guitar shop....sells gretch guitars for like $700 which is not much in euro! also check out crypt records in brooklyn, while in brooklyn have a look...
  15. mc moley

    Recording for vinyl....

    i remember when foot in mouth were doing their 7 inch there was some mastering thing they had to do differently, than you would if you were to master a cd or else the needle would have just skated across the vinyl. i think it was some frequency thing. although i cant remember any details cuz it...
  16. mc moley

    Can ye recommend some Tom Waits albums?

    sorry its not his biography, as in autobiography, but there's a new one on him.
  17. mc moley

    Can ye recommend some Tom Waits albums?

    i'd say get all the tom starting from closing time and finish on orphans in chronological order, and you'll have a mighty sense of achievement after!!! he has a new biography out, i read it its pretty interesting. cant remember what the hell its called though.
  18. mc moley

    Mound + Luggage this Saturday!

    i think they supported pulp for some tour or something.
  19. mc moley

    Record store in Bray?

    its hit and miss and all depends wether or not barry decides to get out of bed!! i've gotten some amazing stuff there down the years, and allways got it for next to nothing. you just have to make a few trips and it'll pay off.
  20. mc moley

    F.Cut Studio

    cheers ill give them a bash