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  1. Tony Ramone

    [you] in nazi shocker!!!

    yeah, he's an awful bollix...
  2. Tony Ramone

    [you] in nazi shocker!!!

    does this mean I can expect an assault of some sort on facebook? :D
  3. Tony Ramone

    [you] in nazi shocker!!!

    glad I could help ruin your day just a little bit :p psyduck, confusion attack...
  4. Tony Ramone

    [you] in nazi shocker!!!

    nope, apparently I'm a nazi too :)
  5. Tony Ramone

    [you] in nazi shocker!!!

    I didn't think the second one would actually catch anyone :D dammit, I really should be getting some work done...
  6. Tony Ramone

    Presumably Moog's April fool prank.

    what a fantastic idea :) right, off to the shed I go to invent just such a unit...
  7. Tony Ramone

    [you] in nazi shocker!!!

    Actually, it was [you]'s idea. Honestly.
  8. Tony Ramone

    [you] in nazi shocker!!!

    I just wish there was a way of checking to see how it shows up for everyone else :p
  9. Tony Ramone

    [you] in nazi shocker!!!

    ...apparently. cheers pete, for the new toy :p
  10. Tony Ramone

    URGENT - FAO [you] - Complaint made to Gardai about your posts

    wahey! let the madness begin... :) p.s. pete, you're some langer, biy :p
  11. Tony Ramone

    haha, punks get punked...

    OMG!!! refused are reuniting!!! Holy Fucking Shit!
  12. Tony Ramone


    sod it - I'm going to the pub. anyone fancy a trip to limerick?
  13. Tony Ramone

    RISING - twister pepper april 7th???

    I'm pretty sure I'll eat Your Face played in there last friday (or the friday before that...), so they must be :)
  14. Tony Ramone


    cheers 'n' beers :) I'll probably forget anyway, but I'm sure I've plenty of wine at home anyway...
  15. Tony Ramone

    Eirecore random image thread.

    Jeez, that's nearly as bad as this place:,_Austria
  16. Tony Ramone

    Thumped Kru Choonz.

    just poked my head out of eirecore and spotted this thread. Some great stuff here :) here's our shit: also on facebook, just in case: Got a bandcamp too, but haven't put anything up there yet. now to...
  17. Tony Ramone

    Clash to reform

    sorry, just takin the piss - seems to be what this thread is for :)
  18. Tony Ramone

    Clash to reform

  19. Tony Ramone

    Crashed Out / Blaggards Double header@Fibbers- Sat 27th March-

    ha, I wish. maybe then I could finally get out of debt...