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  1. Tony Ramone

    Koala Attack & 20 Bulls Each: Sunday 2nd May, Fred Zeppelins, Cork

    just two weeks away now folks. finally put some posters up around town today \m/
  2. Tony Ramone

    terreblanche attack 'triggered by sexual assault'

    "Monte" probably means "annihilate" in their language...
  3. Tony Ramone

    THem MArtyrs play 2 gigs this week

    All of them
  4. Tony Ramone

    Rev up for DSI

    Hey folks, just got this email off our guitarist, Dave, and thought I'd share it with y'all in case ye might wanna help out :) "Hi All, Its that time of year again that the Rev up for DSI is coming up. This is the second year I will be doing this event. Last year over €250,000 was...
  5. Tony Ramone

    Please sponsor us for the Focus Ireland Four Peaks Challenge.

    sorry, forgot about this til just now :)
  6. Tony Ramone

    Love Him or Hate Him: Malcom McLaren Dies

    ba-zing :)
  7. Tony Ramone

    Koala Attack & 20 Bulls Each: Sunday 2nd May, Fred Zeppelins, Cork

    bummer. there goes the neighborhood... :)
  8. Tony Ramone

    Koala Attack & 20 Bulls Each: Sunday 2nd May, Fred Zeppelins, Cork

    bump - this gig is at the end of the month (well, start of the next one, really...)
  9. Tony Ramone

    Koala Attack

    ha, I was just thinking of bumping my thread :)
  10. Tony Ramone

    Propagandhi - The Recoverd EP

    That's part of what I meant by the ryan greene sound - all his albums have the same bass sound :)
  11. Tony Ramone

    Propagandhi - The Recoverd EP

    It'll be interesting to hear pre-thrash Propagandhi with non ryan greene production :p Those guys did an amazing job on the last album, although a lot of that was down to the tracking as well as the mixing...
  12. Tony Ramone

    this is punk

    that's amazing :D
  13. Tony Ramone

    Rev up for DSI

    Hey folks, just got this email off our guitarist, Dave, and thought I'd share it with y'all in case ye might wanna help out :) "Hi All, Its that time of year again that the Rev up for DSI is coming up. This is the second year I will be doing this event. Last year over €250,000 was raised for...
  14. Tony Ramone

    Only Fumes & Corpses rough mixes up

    fuckin' wicked dude! Can't wait to hear the album \m/ Ha, when I saw the first title, for some reason my brain read it as "facepalm" :p
  15. Tony Ramone

    Thumped Kru Choonz.

    just spent most of the day messing around with bandcamp (and Inkscape):
  16. Tony Ramone


    jesus, I haven't even started yet - spent the whole day sitting in front of my computer working on this: I'd probably have been better off getting locked :D
  17. Tony Ramone


    Your ideas intrigue me - I would like to subscribe to your newsletter. And no, I haven't started drinking yet - I better start soon before I get fired from punk. On that note, I just found half a bottle of bucky I'd forgotten about, hiding behind my many wine bottles :D
  18. Tony Ramone


    Na, I'll probably spend most of the day chasing the young fella around the house trying to stop him destroying the place, then crash and burn. I figure I'll get through maybe 2 cans before I pass out...
  19. Tony Ramone

    [you] in nazi shocker!!!

    Well, in your case, the "shocker" bit is a bit of an exaggeration...
  20. Tony Ramone


    ha, I almost made it, but had to go down to the shop for a few things and picked up a six pack while I was there :p