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  1. Tony Ramone

    Daria (france)//Hope is Noise //El Bastardo// The Quad 18th Feb Cork

    sweeeet :D And I'll actually be in town for this one for a change
  2. Tony Ramone

    Flatliners in Dublin?

    I would have to agree with dregin on both points. I couldn't understand why the Flatliners were above Pour Habit on the bill in Dublin last year. Them's the breaks I guess...
  3. Tony Ramone

    Cut The Reins

    Sounds like a fantastic plan \m/
  4. Tony Ramone

    Headphones for recording / Mixing

    OK - forget about this idea then. I messaged the guy today and he only ships to the UK :(
  5. Tony Ramone

    FAO bands, music, whatever

    sounds pretty cool dude. Hope it goes well for ya. As of yet we have nothing to sell... but hopefully soon :D
  6. Tony Ramone

    Cut The Reins

    Shit lads, that sucks! Hope we see ye again in a new form real soon - I'm sure the desire for music won't let you leave it too long :) Actually, we're coming up to Galway next month - must get some merch off ye then. Actually, I'll probably have a list of stuff I want to get off various people...
  7. Tony Ramone

    Headphones for recording / Mixing

    Also, if you're handy with a soldering iron, someone's selling a faulty pair of DT990s for half nothing cos one can isn't working - I would guess that the wires inside the earpiece have come off, which, while a pain in the ass, is fixable - I managed it with my old pair before. Of course I could...
  8. Tony Ramone

    Headphones for recording / Mixing

    I just got a used pair of DT770s on ebay for about €50 and man are they comfortable (these ones to be precise). I haven't spent much time listening to them yet, but they seemed fairly bright, which is at odds with what I've heard about them, but I have noticed that the earpieces are fairly worn...
  9. Tony Ramone

    Voice Band for iPhone

    wtf!? I replied to this yesterday I'm sure... Anyway - that's fucking cool. I'd say you could come up with some fairly crazy sounding stuff with it :D
  10. Tony Ramone

    Good Site List

    Anyone checked out the KVR Audio page? Seems to have a fair amount of plugins gathered together in one place, which is handy. The plugins are all ranked as well (gsnap seems to be on top of the free plugins nearly all the time :)) Their own blurb: "KVR Audio is the...
  11. Tony Ramone

    Argh. need a new A/I, suggestions?

    awesome! did you use a hammer?
  12. Tony Ramone

    New Book on setting up your home recording rig FREE

    This has to be the longest ad ever, but I can't find the shorter ones...
  13. Tony Ramone

    New Book on setting up your home recording rig FREE

    hey all, I posted a while back on a new home recording book/series called Killer Home Recording by Brandon Drury. Well, he's about to release it to the general public (he had a limited run for members of his recordingreview forum a few months back), and he's decided to give away the first part...
  14. Tony Ramone

    Evil but funny

    wow, those two are perfectly matched :D idiots
  15. Tony Ramone

    DOOM101 Cork October Weekend 23rd-24th

    That's class! :) You should put up the "I <3 (fist)" one that you got by accident...
  16. Tony Ramone

    DOOM101 Cork October Weekend 23rd-24th

    Well, I'm slowly starting to gather my thoughts together about the weekend (warning - long rambling post). Friday night is still a bit of a blur now (I know I partied til I puked anyway), but I remember arriving during Trenches' set, which I thought was great. I also really liked On Pain of...
  17. Tony Ramone

    A load of stolen gear, look out for it

    Christ that's a lot! Must've been some van they got away in! Sure we can all keep an eye on gumtree and ebay anyway...
  18. Tony Ramone

    DOOM101 Cork October Weekend 23rd-24th

    I had the same thought about the dude from Dwell in the Sun - felt like he was kicking me right in the chest :)
  19. Tony Ramone

    A friend in need is a friend indeed... Can you help?

    I thought our common travel area had been gotten rid of recently, but I may be wrong...
  20. Tony Ramone


    Yeah, Hope is Noise are launching their new album that night in 3 different venues.