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  1. Gambra

    Dublin gig calender site

    It's back live again for good now at, I remembered I had that domain sitting idle except for email purposes so it didn't need a new one. Posted a pile more gigs to the site last night too.
  2. Gambra

    USD to EURO exchange rate:

    I've been flogging stuff on the US ebay and getting unreal rates for the last week or two. Great time for that kind of thing.
  3. Gambra

    Dublin gig calender site

    Yeah its down while I set up the new server. It was only ever a temp address, next one will be permenant. Should be up by the end of the weekend or later tonight if I feel like a late one.
  4. Gambra

    Dublin gig calender site

    Sometime went wonky with the theme I used but it was fixed pretty quick. I'll be moving it pretty soon too.
  5. Gambra

    Fuck football, let's talk cricket

    I haven't actually, they've only ever done games outside the US a few times. I doubt there's anywhere near enough support in Europe for even a single series. I initially started watching on ESPN here a few years ago and have gotten for the last two years. I can't keep up with the entire...
  6. Gambra

    Fuck football, let's talk cricket

    It's also really difficult to explain why any sport is compelling or athlectic in a few lines/paragraphs. Hence my bit about the trite ideas. I don't mind watching cricket when it's things like the WC but would much prefer to watch T20 as the ODI and Test formats are just headwrecking to watch...
  7. Gambra

    Fuck football, let's talk cricket

    I'm not comparing them at all, I'm saying you can easily reduce other sports to trite ideas. I've no idea about the training regieme of cricket players but you're implying you could turn up with a bit of skill but overweight and still be grand. While you can't really compare the two I am a big...
  8. Gambra

    Fuck football, let's talk cricket

    So being able to throw a ball at 150kmh for about 4 hours and then having to play defense afterward doesn't count in the speed, strength or stamina areas? Never mind being able to hit the ball flying at you at 150kmh over 100 meters? Every sport in the world can be reduced to that kind of...
  9. Gambra

    The Atrocity Exhibit, Okus + more - 26th Feb, Tenterhooks

    I sthere any old tunes around from Immaculate Deception?
  10. Gambra

    primavera 2015

    What site did you book the apartment though? Just looking into it now and can't wait for it already. Been far too long since I went to a festival.
  11. Gambra

    Death (the 70s Michigan band)

    Didn't realise there was a third album, I have the second album and that was really pushing it. They're all collections of demos/practice sessions so are all pretty ropey. This seems to be the first new material they've actually done, it's not that great.
  12. Gambra

    Rapidshare RIP

    The rise of hosts that don't require any form of account at all (Zippyshare, MEGA) and of course the rise of TPB and KAT killed it. Long gne are the days of having a 2gb film split in 20 100mb sections that you could only dl one at a time.
  13. Gambra

    Adam Curtis' Bitter Lake

    Yeah its a new term that Jay Allen at BoingBoing created, I assume you saw the article about it: A beginner's guide to the Redpill Right - Boing Boing It's a really good read, it ties together a lot of what I've been unable to put my finger on when it comes to a lot of the hot button internet...
  14. Gambra

    Adam Curtis' Bitter Lake

    There's little to no evidence that Curtis is actually part of the LM network though, they shifted hard right in the early 90's to basically become the early precursor of the current "red pill right" that's popular online. Whatever you think about Curtis I don't think he's as right wing as the...
  15. Gambra

    Adam Curtis' Bitter Lake

    Yeah he's supposedly linked to the "Living Marxism" network which comes from the Revolution Communist Party. I dunno if it's such a massive deal, Mark Kermode is constantly calling himself a Trotskyist on the air and no one cares. I think the main criticism that people on the left have with...
  16. Gambra

    Dublin gig calender site

    Added that one. Btw, it's better if people posted about new gigs they come across in the Upcoming Gigs thread. It's one of the places I keep an eye on for updates.
  17. Gambra

    Dublin gig calender site

    I have my own hosting, I'm more mean to get it out of the fangsandarrows site address. Give it it's own .com address so people can bookmark it and always know where to look it up.. It was just a tester site for people on here to have a look at.
  18. Gambra

    Dublin gig calender site

    It's pretty much done and ready to go as is, I've the adding of gigs down pretty quick now. The time is now to move the site to it's own hosting and permenant address, it's still just on a part of a forum. Might move it to since that's doing nothing but sit idle for email...
  19. Gambra

    Upcoming gigs 2015 ,for gary and other non facebookers!

    Was there many at it?
  20. Gambra


    1,500 people to blanket comment threads with shite?