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  1. R

    Rally for the 'Preservance of Ireland' (formerly: stormfront idiots and chickens)

    you seem to be dumb and arrogant. you are definately a race traitor. it's people like you that are not worth saving. those that are worthy shall be saved.
  2. R

    Rally for the 'Preservance of Ireland' (formerly: stormfront idiots and chickens)

    me, a semi semi-literate Belgian and you, a black aids ridden homosexual, it would never last! you just want my body, thats all! go find yourself a pretty little morticians daughter. remember if the monkey dances at dawn he will expect bananas at dusk!
  3. R

    Rally for the 'Preservance of Ireland' (formerly: stormfront idiots and chickens)

    nlgbbbblth, that makes a lot of sense anyway! thanks for your intelligent input. have another go.
  4. R

    Rally for the 'Preservance of Ireland' (formerly: stormfront idiots and chickens)

    vinnie are you on drugs? you have a strange sense of humour but i like it! "In fact, I can use science to prove absolutely, that you are a semi-literate Belgian who likes Mano Negro and walks in the park. Ragnarok indeed! You crack me up." a semi literate belgian!? you truely are a magnificant...
  5. R

    Rally for the 'Preservance of Ireland' (formerly: stormfront idiots and chickens)

    i have no time to waste on the likes of you! what the hell are you talking about? you obviously have nothing constructive to say and all you can manage is worthless insults. uneducated people should be executed and pissed on?? i am irish and educated. this is aimed at vinnie
  6. R

    Rally for the 'Preservance of Ireland' (formerly: stormfront idiots and chickens)

    redfever, a turncoat? i have been ignoring you because of your initial post. thank you for understanding us but i still don't want to talk to you.
  7. R

    Rally for the 'Preservance of Ireland' (formerly: stormfront idiots and chickens)

    i apologise for my poor spelling. why quote redfever?
  8. R

    Rally for the 'Preservance of Ireland' (formerly: stormfront idiots and chickens)

    BBB yet again you resort to childish antics. i had to make a comment about the nappy boy! how could i not!?
  9. R

    Rally for the 'Preservance of Ireland' (formerly: stormfront idiots and chickens)

    i do not hand out personal information. race mixing (whites and non whires) is bad, maybe you want our country to be like england or holland. crime is rampant, drugs everywhere, and so on. we already suffer from this and we haven't experienced the full force of the foreigners yet. this country...
  10. R

    Rally for the 'Preservance of Ireland' (formerly: stormfront idiots and chickens)

    i want to preserve what little we have. white ireland. i want to destroy crime. we have had it hard and now ireland is ruled by herself and we don't foreign invaders ruining everything. we are not ready. surely you can see that we are not capable of taking on so many poor people. the money can...
  11. R

    Rally for the 'Preservance of Ireland' (formerly: stormfront idiots and chickens)

    i have a respect for all races in their own countries. i don't think they should mix. they are non white but what's your point? and 'BBB' that's great coming from a man in a diper.
  12. R

    Rally for the 'Preservance of Ireland' (formerly: stormfront idiots and chickens)

    no they do not pete. i suggested it, that doesnt mean that i am running it. i didn't suggest a nazi gay bashing rally like you may want to believe.
  13. R

    Rally for the 'Preservance of Ireland' (formerly: stormfront idiots and chickens)

    potlach, true, i never spoke against arabs or others, i have been talking about black africans. bugerbarbaby you have to resort to cheap insults. carry on for i do not care!
  14. R

    Rally for the 'Preservance of Ireland' (formerly: stormfront idiots and chickens)

    i respect your questions silo. firstly i am anti chistian and anti other religions. jesus was a jew. i do like paganism but not a believer and that is a personal preferance. why the celts? that was my prefernce just the same as you might have your favourite era. we haven't got a lot of culture...
  15. R

    Rally for the 'Preservance of Ireland' (formerly: stormfront idiots and chickens)

    "our history books are dominated by the white man's racially biased take on history" how did we get into the position to have such dominance, survival of the fittest yet again. George Washington Carver doesn't sound like an african name.
  16. R

    Rally for the 'Preservance of Ireland' (formerly: stormfront idiots and chickens)

    what a beautiful story! almost brought me to tears. those blacks don't have very african names, they sound american to me and more than likely have white blood. name me an inventor from africa. anyway we would invented all those things in time, we managed to conquer the world without them.
  17. R

    Rally for the 'Preservance of Ireland' (formerly: stormfront idiots and chickens)

    were these blacks true african blacks? i wasn't implying that a brain which weighs less is less intelligent, i was stating differances betweeen them and us. intelligence matters most. when the whites invaded africa the blacks may have been able to run faster but still couldn't out run our...
  18. R

    Rally for the 'Preservance of Ireland' (formerly: stormfront idiots and chickens)

    "Haha. Thick skull = bad. Thin skull = good. Well done, you guys." their skulls are thicker and so is their skin making them more immune to germs. their brains also weigh less, my point is they are not equal. in fact they are superior in some ways. but not in the ways it matters most. what have...
  19. R

    Rally for the 'Preservance of Ireland' (formerly: stormfront idiots and chickens)

    steve my last post was for burgarbarbaby. ireland throughout all these time periods was white. i am refering to white ireland. we have had a hard tim througout history as you have stated and we are in no way capable of taking on so many immigrants. the celtic tiger is now dead. we are still a...
  20. R

    Rally for the 'Preservance of Ireland' (formerly: stormfront idiots and chickens)

    oh dear me, you are the typical fool. but i will not play childish game and reply with insults. my personal views are not those of every irish person who cares. i admit that i am extreme. but this has nothing to do with a rally. do you hate your people and nation? and do not reply with something...