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  1. T

    Q and not U-Power

    It's a total party album. I've had it a for while but I'm afraid it doesn't quite live up to the first two. Still great, but just not up to their previous standard.
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    Who do you look like?

    Are you holding a phone in that picture? Are you reading the lyrics from it or was it a really important text?
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    Who do you look like?

    Ah ha ha! That's brilliant!
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    Who do you look like?

    Congratulations to Jamie Farrell for becoming miss teen USA. Yea! Well done Jamie.
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    Who do you look like?

    Ro Coldspoon doesn't really look like Paddy Casey. You need to take a sprinkling of Paddy Casey with a portion of a cheeky young Dudley Moore.
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    best band in the world (as far as you know)...

    Yeah polvo rule. One of my favourite bands for years. Until they got the sitar out of course.
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    Who do you look like?

    Realised while watching Fargo one day that Dudley is the guy who witnesses the murder of the cop on the highway and is tracked down and shot in the field. Check out the resemblance...
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    Who do you look like?

    Oops attachment didn't work. So here it is. Uncanny...
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    Who do you look like?

    Sparse has been told on a number of occasions that he looks like Rupert Everett.
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    im thegoone

    Pete, are you able to delete old user accounts? I must have about ten I don't use anymore that I forgot the passwords for etc. and I'd say most people here are the same. Clean up the books so to speak.
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    The Redneck Manifesto Album Launch

    That UCD gig with the Mound is not happening on 28th September now. It's to be rescheduled for early October sometime.
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    Loop stations...advice required

    The Boss RC-20 is probably the best I've used. About 5 mins of total sampling time and easy to use. Holds all samples in memory unlike the Line 6 version which loses everything once you unplug it, has limited sampling time and is trickier to use but it does have some other really nice functions...
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    Crayonsmith EP

    The mp3s sound really good! A bit like Notwist, a bit like New Order, a bit like Sebadoh. Good stuff.
  14. T

    The Redneck Manifesto Album Launch

    The Kilkenny gig is actually on 2nd Oct in Cleeres not 26th as mentioned above.
  15. T

    Happy Christmas from Dublin Corpo!

    Just before Christmas our household got notification from Dublin Corporation that we'd be served a summons in the next few days for not having paid our bin charges of about e250. The letters were always addressed to me/the occupants. Prob cos I'm the only person in the house on the voters reg...